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Why Mice Avoid Traps

a sneaky little mouse

It might seem like it would be pretty obvious why mice avoid traps, but the truth is that it isn't obvious at all. The way mice perceive threats is different than how we do. They are not able to look at a trap and understand that it is a spring-loaded death contraption. They must rely on their instincts to avoid those traps. Let's take a look at some mouse behaviors that allow them to avoid being caught. Together, we will be able to help you avoid mice and the dangers these rodents pose.

What Scent Will Keep Mice Away?

Mice have a great sense of smell. This ability helps them stay alive, especially where traps are concerned. Mice know what we smell like. If they smell us on, or around, a trap, they will avoid that trap. That is why it is a good idea to use gloves when setting mouse traps.

Mice also use their sense of smell to detect threats in another way. If they smell dead mice left in traps, they will avoid those areas, sensing that death may wait for them in those locations. That is why it is a good idea to remove mice caught in traps, so they are not allowed to decay.

Mice Are Far Smarter Than We Give Them Credit For

Have you ever seen a mouse running along a wall? This is another behavior that helps them stay alive. Mice prefer to have one side next to a wall, and a quick getaway. If mouse traps are put in the middle of a room, they are almost entirely useless. Only a desperate and hungry mouse will move away from the security of a wall.

Mice Are Always On High Alert

Even when food is found, mice do not stop being cautious. They are on high alert as they feed. This allows some mice to avoid snap traps that try to get them in the middle of their meal. When the trap springs, the mouse reacts in an instant. This heightened state of alert, combined with the timid way a mouse nibbles on food, helps them avoid being trapped. For this reason, mouse traps are often laid out in groups. If a mouse reacts to the one they are feeding on, it increases the likelihood that they will be caught by another.

Setting Mouse Traps Is Seldom Enough

Knowing how mice avoid traps can help you catch mice better, but knowing how to effectively catch mice is only one step in the process of stopping an infestation. Educated pest control professionals use many methods together to ensure the complete control of all mice within a structure, which is essential for the health of a family and the protection of a business.

Mice Prevention Tips Every Homeowner Ought To Know

  • Always be on the lookout for signs of rodent activity.
  • Use a dehumidifier to avoid moisture problems, especially areas that are prone to leaks and drips.
  • Keep food items securely stored using reliable containers, always avoid leaving food out in the open. 
  • It is very important to seal any cracks, tears, crevices and other potential entry points that lead to easy entry into your home. Keep in mind that mice are able to enter homes through cracks as small as the diameter of a dime.
  • Take as many steps as possible to make your home less attractive to mice

What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Mice?

If you have any questions about rodent removal and exclusion, contact Action Pest Control. It is important to remember that mice will seek shelter as the weather begins to cool off so it is important to start taking steps to avoid these bothersome pests now. Serving Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois, our pest control technicians specialize in rodent control and are ready to help you eliminate mice and the conditions that attract them, although sometimes it is truly better to leave mice problems up to the professionals.