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How To Control Moisture And Humidity In Your Indianapolis Home

moisture damage in a home

Many things can make your Indianapolis home appealing or susceptible to insects and creatures. Of course, improper food and trash management will make your land very attractive to them. They feed on the contents to survive and stay where there’s continual access. Another alluring facet is the lawn. Critters will have plenty of places to hide and flourish if you don't groom them enough. Even if you take all the proper precautions, invasions can happen without ongoing pest control services in Indianapolis.

Property owners should also factor in humidity and moisture control when fending off creepy crawlers. Several species depend on warmth and dampness for breeding, among other things. Learn more about potential vulnerabilities in this area, how to regulate them, and what Action Pest Control can help. We have moisture control devices and offer pest and home inspections to identify issues. 

Factors That Add Excess Moisture To Your Home

Plumbing complications are one of the main disruptors to moisture control. Pipes can malfunction, wear, leak, or bust, which will undoubtedly lead to water accumulating outside the conduit. There can be enough fluid to drip and make large puddles. Such faults should be addressed right away.

Believe it or not, external weather can impact the humidity and dampness indoors. That’s why it's important to have appropriately sealed windows and doors, along with their screens and sweeps. Wind gusts, rain, and heatwaves can affect the moisture levels indoors. Pest control agencies are often contacted after inclement conditions because climate can trigger infestations.

Cooking and bathing in the shower could contribute to humidity and moisture, as unventilated steam results in fluid buildup. Having recurrent pest and home inspections in Indianapolis is a great way to stay ahead of impending hitches.

Why Humidity And Moisture Can Create Big Problems In Your Home

If you don’t invest in home pest inspection or moisture control devices, excess humidity and wetness could fester into the following:

  • Mold developments
  • Mildew patches
  • Bacteria
  • Dust mites
  • Structural damages 

Signs to look for include rotting or warping wood, creaking floorboards, discolored surfaces and drywall, consistent musty odors, and unusual frost around windows. If the scenarios mentioned above occur, you or someone else may experience health impediments—for example, allergic reactions, aggravated asthma, respiratory challenges, and congestion.

Natural Ways To Reduce Moisture And Humidity In Your Home

Don’t be misled by the high expense of some humidity and moisture control products. The amount isn't a reflection of effectiveness. On top of that, the items could be hazardous. Sometimes the instructions are too complex, and you might end up misusing them. The consequences could be grave. Here are some tips that aren’t strongly associated with risk:

  • Turn on fans to circulate the air and prevent water from being stagnant. Do this in kitchens and bathrooms especially.
  • Use a dehumidifier to pull water droplets and particles out of the air. If you don’t have one, an installation can be done.
  • Try not to wash clothes, boil water, perform steam cleaning, or do similar activities when it’s humid outside. 
  • Consider removing carpeting because the surfaces are highly porous. Through evaporation, they can push moisture back out into the air. Using small rugs that you occasionally put away might be a solid alternative. 

Why Professional Moisture Control Is A Great Idea!

You won’t have to worry about failures, shortcomings, or dangers if you rely on us at Action Pest Control. We have industrial-grade moisture control products and tools that are safe. Our expert technicians will assist and guide you in rectifying defects and critical spots. Last but not least, we can eliminate insects and creatures. Call today for a free home pest inspection!