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What Happens To The Spiders In Lexington During The Winter?

a spider on wood

No matter the time of year, insects and creatures will be active. Some are busier during the spring or summer, while others take precedence in the fall or winter. A few are always out and about. As you might imagine, a pest’s peak season is based on what they need to survive environmentally. It would be wise for home and business owners to familiarize themselves with these changes to prepare for preventative Lexington pest control measures.

Whether a specific creepy crawler is having an off-season or not, you have to be ready for them. To avoid inclement weather or just get settled, critters will seek shelter inside of your property. Then, they’ll emerge at a later date. Spiders are not an exception to this rule. Find out about local species, how to dodge them over the winter, and what Action Pest Control can do to intervene. 

What Spiders Are In Lexington? What Happens In Winter?

Black widows and brown recluses are two of the most common spider species in the area. The shining bodies of black widows are 0.12 of an inch long. However, males might be 0.39 of an inch at the largest. Females can exceed that at 0.51 of an inch, and they have a red abdominal mark shaped like an hourglass. Brown recluses are 0.50 of an inch long. Color-wise, they are brown or tan. A blemish resembling a violin is on their stomachs. Both types of arachnids favor the outdoors for organic matter, but they aren’t opposed to being inside domiciles and establishments.

Other key facts about these spiders are:

  • Medical attention is necessary for their bites; issues include neurotoxin exposure, nausea, fever, and lesions.
  • They are nocturnal.
  • Sightings of them or their webs verify an infestation.
  • They’ll hide in dark, low-traffic spaces, like closets, attics, and cabinets.
  • They are drawn to firewood.

Cooler weather drives lots of pests into human dwellings because they cannot thrive in such a climate. Spiders are a bit different due to their internal anti-freezing system. Withstanding the temperatures is simple for them. That said, food shortages or finding prey are usually the cause of their intrusions.

Ants, flies, and grasshoppers are among the critters spiders consume for sustenance. You probably have a broader pest problem if these arachnids are troubling you. Alternatively, they might have been lying dormant in floor corners and structural voids, all the while mating. 

What Can Be Done To Prevent Lexington Spiders?

Any possible entry points, food sources, and concealing zones must be addressed if you want to block out spiders. The pertinent tasks could be tedious to complete, but you’ll have to remember your motives.

You’ve got to protect yourself and others: 

  • Get rid of clutter.
  • Cut the grass and trim the greenery regularly.
  • Sit loose wood and plants two feet away from the property. 
  • Put food and garbage in containers with airtight lids. 
  • Have leaks and moisture malfunctions repaired soon.
  • Close up holes in foundations, windows, and doors. 
  • Make sure that window screens and sweeps are intact. Replace damaged ones. 
  • Remove any webs you locate.  
  • Contact Action Pest Control if you have pests that spiders eat.

How Will Action Pest Control Handle Lexington Spiders?

Retail pesticides for spiders are intended for temporary use and killing single spiders. Also, they can be too harsh for vegetation, domestic animals, and humans. The interior and exterior solutions we have at Action Pest Control are safe. Our treatments consist of de-webbing, perimeter barriers, and more. We even have avenues specifically for brown recluse spider management, such as prescriptive products, monitors, and fumigation. Give us a call today! You’ll receive a free inspection when you do!