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How Pantry Pests Get Into Lexington, KY Homes

a rice weevil

The average person can’t stand to be around insects and creatures. Their looks, erratic behavior, and sudden movements make them unsettling to share space with. When they aren’t scary, they’re gross. Most can taint food and surfaces with the germs they carry. If they happen to reproduce at mass in the blink of an eye, the health concerns are even greater. Not only are there increased chances of sickness, but your belongings could be damaged too. For example, fabrics and furniture. Thus, all Lexington homeowners should be proactive about pest remediation. Some critters, like pantry pests, are tough to eliminate due to their size, hiding places, and large populations.

What Pantry Pests Are Common? What Are the Dangers?

Three typical household pantry pests are Indian meal moths, cigarette beetles, and saw-toothed beetles. Indian meal moths are 0.37 of an inch long, with a wingspan of 0.62 of an inch. A bronze or brown tint adorns the bottom of their gray wings. Young has pink, cream, or yellow-green bodies with brown heads.

Cigarette beetles are 0.10 of an inch long. Their oval-shaped frames are brown, yellow, or red. Angling downward, their heads appear bent. These bugs are skilled flyers. Larvae in this subgroup are yellow-white and similar to grubs. In addition to going after food, they target furniture and books.

Saw-toothed beetles are 0.12 of an inch in length. They have brown skin and flat figures. Along with their sides are six saw-like extensions. Slightly smaller than the adult insects, the babies are white-yellow.

Other things to know about these pests are:

  • They creep into meal packages in factories and distribution centers to lay eggs. Larvae are the most ruinous.
  • They feast on rice, flour, grains, dry goods, spices, pet food, tobacco, fruit, cereal, and more.
  • They aren’t known to sting or bite, spread disease, or harbor pathogens and parasites.  
  • They taint food with their waste and webs, which can alter flavor and foster mold growth. 
  • Discard anything they’ve inhabited right away. 
  • Spotting them or their larvae is a confirmation of infestation.

How Can You Prevent Pantry Pests?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to ensure that food plants or factories are prioritizing quality and sanitation. Overseeing their pantry pest management and regulation isn’t an option. However, there are still things you can do to protect your abode from these insects. Designing your own practices may be a little tiresome, but it’s more than worth it to guard your health: 

  • Look over every box and package of food; don’t forget about pet food. Throw away old or worn things.
  • Thoroughly wash out your cabinets and pantries regularly. Of course, remove items before.
  • See that cracks and crevices in cabinets, appliances, ceilings, screens, and foundations are patched up.
  • Put fare in storage canisters that have airtight lids. You should use plastic or glass.
  • Before buying groceries, inspect items for holes and tears. 

What Can Action Pest Control Do About Pantry Pests?

You can’t defer to retail insecticides, expecting them to be adequate for a pantry pest infestation. Only temporary results will come from them. Also, they could be toxic. A potent but safe solution is necessary. Trust us at Action Pest Control. Our experienced technicians will use industrial-grade home pest control treatments. Options include fumigation and ULV fogging. Call us today, and you’ll receive a free inspection!

Pantry pests are small insects that nestle in food and cabinets. Most folks don’t know how they operate or get indoors, which would make it challenging to address their invasions. Learn about these pesky critters and what Action Pest Control can do to intervene.