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When To Expect Fleas Around Louisville Homes And Yards

a puppy scratching at fleas

Waking up to ankles covered in itchy bug bites is not something anyone wants to experience. However, if you’ve ever dealt with fleas, you probably have first-hand experience with just how miserable this is. If you’d like to avoid getting fleas in your home, read on to learn when to expect fleas around your Louisville home and yard.

Seasonality for Fleas

Typically fleas cannot survive the cold temperatures of winter in any stage of development. There are only two ways that they can make it through until spring:

  1. If they are already inside your warm home, they’ll continue to thrive and reproduce all winter long.
  2. If they are on a warm-blooded host that spends most of its winter in a sheltered area, such as under a deck or inside a shed, fleas can sometimes survive through the winter.

When the weather warms up, fleas begin to reproduce more rapidly. While it typically takes about two months for fleas to develop from egg to adult, under the hot, humid conditions of summer, the process can take just three weeks.

When to Expect Fleas Around Your Louisville Home and Yard

You may have survived the winter without a flea outbreak, but now that the temperatures are warming up, you’ll want to be on the lookout for them. Fleas will become more active in the next month or so and they’ll start to reproduce outdoors again.

Their hosts will also become more active as the weather warms up, which is the main reason you can expect fleas around your Louisville yard. Although fleas can hop from place to place, their most common way to move around is to ride on their hosts. If you have wildlife walking through your property, you’ll end up with fleas in your yard.

Once fleas end up in your yard, your pets or even your family members can unwittingly bring them into your home. Once fleas get into your home, they’ll continue to feed, grow, and reproduce.

How to Prevent Fleas From Getting Into Your Yard

Since they’re likely to get onto your property on wildlife, the best way to prevent fleas is to make your yard unattractive to wildlife. Remove or cover all outdoor food sources, like pet food or garbage bins. Limit water sources by ensuring you have proper drainage channels around your home. Remove debris from trees, bushes, and shrubs. It’s also important to keep your pets up-to-date on flea treatments, even through the winter.

Finally, the best way to prevent fleas is to bring in the experts. The home pest control technicians at Action Pest Control can inspect your property and provide you with a pest control plan that will keep both wildlife and fleas off your property. And if you already have a flea infestation in your home, we can take care of that too.

No one likes getting bitten by fleas. Prevent them from infesting your home with the help of Action Pest Control.