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Fumigation For Pantry Pests In Food Processing Facilities

Kentucky Pantry Pests

In a commercial food processing environment, pantry pest control should be of utmost importance. These pests can find ways of accessing your food products and can contaminate them with their webs and their bodies. The food pests that can contaminate your products include the Indian meal moth, the saw-toothed grain beetle, the cigarette beetle, and the red flour beetle among others. There are many things you can do to prevent these pests from invading your facility; here are some helpful tips for prevention and pest control in Louisville commercial facilities for bothersome pantry pests.

Food pests can enter your facility in a variety of ways. They may enter on their own, through gaps in window or door screens; any holes or gaps in the exterior of your property can allow invading pantry pests into your facility. These insects may also be brought in unknowingly on already-infested food products or in boxes brought in from other locations.

Having pantry pests inside your commercial food processing facility is less than ideal. If you don’t currently have an infestation of these pests or other Kentucky bugs, here are a few helpful prevention tips for your commercial facility:

  • Check the exterior of your facility for gaps or holes that may be allowing pantry pests and other pests inside. Repair torn window and door screens and close up other gaps with caulking as necessary.
  • Remove garbage from the premises daily; don’t store outdoor dumpsters close to the building.
  • Keep a perimeter of at least 18” around your building vegetation-free.
  • Don’t leave palates or storage containers outdoors for any length of time.
  • Always carefully check products that come into your facility for contamination from pantry pests and other pests.

If you should find that you already have an infestation of pantry pests, the Kentucky fumigation services provided by Action Pest Control can help you eliminate the problem, often overnight! Our fumigation service offers almost 100% reduction of most target pest populations quickly, safely, and effectively. We have over 30 years of commercial fumigation experience and through the use of fumigation and our Integrated Pest Management solutions, we can achieve a pest-free facility for you to help protect your brand, your reputation, and of course, your bottom line.

For local pest control for your commercial facility or residential property that you can trust in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky, Action Pest Control should be your first choice. Along with fumigation services, we provide bed bug controltermite controlbrown recluse spider controlstinging insect control and so much more. Call us today to schedule your first inspection and we will be happy to work with you to achieve a pest-free home or business.