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What To Do If You Have Crickets Inside Your Jasper Home

a cricket on the ground

Jasper, Indiana residents have deep German roots and enjoy rolling hills and forested areas within the heart of Dubois County. The people of this town have a reputation for hard work and exceptional craftsmanship. With superb people and a family-friendly community, folks who move to this area rarely leave. One pest that loves the rolling hills and the forested regions surrounding Jasper is the cricket. Without pest control in Jasper, crickets that find their way into area homes may end up causing homeowners endless headaches.

Why Do I Keep Finding Crickets In My House?

Homeowners often ask themselves why crickets seem to love their homes. Crickets will start looking for warmer lodgings as outdoor temperatures begin to cool. Electrical lighting often seems like a “siren’s song” that lures crickets to doorsteps. Since crickets are small, it only takes a small opening, crack, or crevice in siding or foundations to allow them entry into homes. Crickets also use gaps and cracks around windows and doors to shimmy right into homes. Once crickets get inside, they typically head toward the darker, warmer, moist areas of homes. When crickets settle in, they can survive indefinitely, and if they’re chirpers, their nuisance value can ratchet up to 10 out of 10 levels. With help from Action Pest Control, homeowners can obtain effective cricket control that prevents crickets from disturbing their peace of mind.

Is It Dangerous To Have Crickets In My House?

While crickets are not considered a human health hazard, different types of crickets can bite (rarely), cause you to lose sleep, and even cause damage to homes. So, while crickets aren’t dangerous, they’re concerning because they chew on carpets, making them appear rough and worn. Crickets are also fond of fabrics (even synthetic ones). Things made of cotton, silk, wool, and clothing that is dirty from perspiration are unique draws for crickets. Crickets can significantly damage fabrics by leaving big holes if homes have a heavy infestation. With these kinds of damages, It is vital that homeowners quickly address cricket infestations. Action Pest Control is local to the Jasper area, so customers can rest easy that we are close by and can quickly and efficiently handle pesky crickets.

Simple Tips To Prevent Crickets In Your Home

Preventing crickets from visiting homes requires eliminating the things in and around the house that lure them inside. With some simple fixes, homeowners can help reduce the chances of crickets getting inside their homes.

Nine simple tips to prevent crickets in Jasper homes include the following:

  1. Use a dehumidifier to keep moist areas dry.
  2. Make sure attics, basements, and crawl spaces stay well-ventilated.
  3. Use a caulking material to seal cracks and crevices in siding and foundations.
  4. Keep wood piles about 20 feet away from homes.
  5. Keep moisture-prone yard debris away from homes.
  6. Keep grass cut short.
  7. Keep garbage cans away from homes.
  8. Make sure plant beds are free from weeds.
  9. Use sodium vapor lamps or yellow bulbs in outside lighting.

Installing prevention measures is always a good idea and will do much to stop crickets; however, they’re not a guarantee against crickets looking for warmth and moisture. When crickets slip past your preventative measures, it’s always best to call the Jasper home pest control professionals at Action Pest Control to get rid of crickets.

The Stress-Free Way To Get Rid Of Crickets In Your Home

Local cricket species and other pests are no match for a company staffed with 70 well-trained, state-certified pest management professionals. At Action Pest Control, we’ve seen it all. Our company services all our customers with timely service and effective pest control solutions that homeowners can trust. We also offer environmentally safe service options that remove pests but protect the environment. You don’t have to put up with crickets in your home; call Action Pest Control today for your free pest control estimate and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Jasper.