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Why Businesses Turn to Fumigation

a large commercial building

A good business takes time, effort, and care--and an adequate building. We at Action Pest Control can protect your building from the many pests that put your business at risk. Commercial buildings can be victims to termites, ants, rodents, spiders, and more. Do-it-yourself methods might have short-term effects, but pests are difficult to get rid of and will suck up time and money if you do not have professional experience and the proper equipment. Fumigation is the easiest, most convenient solution to any pest infestation your business might face.

What Are The Benefits Of Fumigation?

There are many reasons to invest in professional fumigation. It’s the most effective way to clear bugs and rodents out of businesses, warehouses, shipping containers, or anywhere else there might be a pest problem.


Pests can cause severe damage to buildings. They can also spread disease, putting employees and customers at risk. By using our fumigation services, you are protecting your building from structural damage, damage to materials and products, disease and bacteria, and the inconvenience and annoyance of a pest problem.


You can try to eliminate pests on your own, but the process will require a lot of time. And unless you manage to eliminate every pest, you’ll likely be fighting them for a while. Most do-it-yourself methods don’t target unhatched eggs. This means, even if you eliminate all the mature bugs, you’ll have a second round of them as soon as the eggs hatch. Fumigation takes care of pests in every stage of development, so you only need to do it once.

Cost Saving

In attempting to control pests on your own, not only are you sacrificing time, but also money. Because do-it-yourself attempts are less successful, you may need to enact multiple control methods at once. This can add up quickly. If you ignore an infestation of any pest, you may encounter unexpected costs in damage repair and cleaning.

Who Can Benefit From Fumigation?

Fumigation can be necessary for businesses that deal with food, especially buildings such as flour mills. Pharmaceutical plants can also need fumigation, as well as companies that export commodities such as grain or corn. Fumigation can be important for businesses that work with lumber and business that do a lot of packaging and shipping. No business is guaranteed to be safe from pests. Anyone can benefit from fumigation.

How Does Fumigation Work?

Action Pest Control makes sure that the fumigation is designed for the needs of the company and the specific pest problems. A fumigation consultant will determine the scope of your pest problem and the species of pests. They will work with you to create a treatment plan that works for your business without damaging your products or putting your employees at risk. We can work with you to create a schedule of treatments that don't interfere with your work. Keep your business protected from pests; call Action Pest Control for your consultation.