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Simple Yet Effective Fly Control Tips For Louisville Homeowners

a fly on a green leaf

Flies are so common, we don’t usually think about just how gross and potentially dangerous they can be. Not only are they buzzing annoyances that block our television screens, but they are also germ-ridden pests that can be difficult to prevent or control. Learning how you can keep flies out and use professional pest control in Louisville will help you stay safe from these larger issues.

Common Invasive Flies

Flies are everywhere outside, especially in the warmer months of the year. However, flies often originate in downright disgusting environments before they make it onto human properties.

Common flies in the area include:

  • House flies: So-called because they are incredibly common inside human structures, these flies are noted by the black dash marks on their backs. While they can be found inside, they often land on and lay their eggs in manure and feces.
  • Blowflies: Typically having a green or blue metallic color, blowflies are some of the gross species because they grow as maggots inside of decaying flesh.
  • Flesh flies: Often mistaken for true house flies because they have similar black lines on their backs, these flies are known for laying their eggs directly in festering wounds.

House Fly Prevention Tips

Because they come from truly nasty birthplaces, all flies should be treated as potentially hazardous to your health, no matter which species is buzzing around. To curb fly populations on your property, you need to address the ways they get inside and the things that attract them. Here are five tips for each kind of prevention.

Access Points

  1. Crack sealing: Checking for small cracks or holes in your exterior and making fixes will help keep tiny insects from crawling inside.
  2. Window screens: Tears or holes in your window screens can provide flies with easy access. Repair and replace damaged screens quickly.
  3. Door sweeps: The gaps beneath the doors in your home can also be open spaces for flies to gain entry. Install door sweeps and weather stripping.
  4. Landscaping: Keeping plants trimmed back from your exterior will reduce the landing pads that flies have to rest near your property.
  5. Contaminated items: Maggots and eggs can often be carried inside directly on contaminated items, like spoiled foods or second-hand furniture. Check your goods thoroughly.

Attracting Factors

  1. Food storage: Flies can find nutrition from waste, but that doesn’t mean they won’t also be attracted to crumbs and spills or other easily accessible food items. Deep clean and maintain proper food storage.
  2. Trash storage: You also need your garbage to be well secured since flies will certainly land on waste and then spread germs all over the rest of the surfaces they touch.
  3. Pet food & waste: You also shouldn’t leave pet food out, or feces in the yard. Both attract flies and lead to larger populations.
  4. Moisture control: Flies are specifically attracted to moist areas, so properly addressing spills and leaks is key to pest prevention.
  5. Yard debris: Flies are attracted to rot, including the organic stuff like leaves and mulch that accumulate out in the yard.

The Most Effective Tip Is Professional Control

Keeping up on all that is a colossal task, which is why it’s smart to seek professional assistance. At Action Pest Control, not only can we give you more pointers on how to prevent flies, we can help directly by inspecting your home and helping to identify problem areas. A trained pair of eyes can help to formulate a prevention plan for your property, and our exterior treatments provide the best overall protection against invasive insects. If flies or other pests are already a problem, only proven professional solutions can get rid of flies before they can spread harmful diseases and bacteria.

For true fly control, turn to Action Pest Control.