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The Answers To Louisville's Most Commonly Asked Tick Questions

a tick on a person

Here in Louisville, there’s no shortage of pests that homeowners need to be mindful of. However, some pests can threaten our health and safety while we are out of our homes, as well. One such pest that is common to the Louisville area is the tick. Ticks are parasitic pests that feed on the blood of humans and animals alike. In doing so, they can transmit all sorts of harmful bloodborne diseases. As such, Louisville residents have a lot of questions about ticks. And when the good people of Louisville have pest questions, the home pest control professionals here at Action Pest Control have pest answers. So, without further ado, here are the answers to your most commonly asked tick questions.

What Time Of Year Are Ticks The Worst?

Many people associate ticks with the warmer months, starting in spring and going all the way through summer. Perhaps it is because more people are spending time outside in these months—hiking, camping, and generally enjoying the great outdoors—that they think they only need to worry about ticks when it's warm. However, just because people are more exposed to ticks in Louisville when it is warm outside, that doesn’t mean we can ignore them when fall and winter arrive. The truth is, ticks are year-round pests in our area. Therefore, we should always strive to take the proper precautions both for ourselves and our properties.

Do Ticks Jump On You?

A common misconception about ticks is that they are able to jump. This misunderstanding is most likely attributed to the fact that fleas, another common parasite, can jump quite high in relation to their body size. Ticks, on the other hand, are unable to jump at all. Instead, they will hang out on a blade of high grass or brush where they will wait for a host to pass by them. When the host brushes up against them, they will latch on, usually without the host ever knowing.

What Should You Do If You Find A Tick On You?

If you find a tick somewhere on your body, be sure to remove it right away. Afterward, be sure to monitor both the bite mark and your overall health as tick bites can lead to harmful diseases. If the bite mark swells up or turns into a rash, be sure to seek medical attention. If you experience neck stiffness, nausea, weakness, muscle or joint pain, a fever, chills, or swollen lymph nodes seek medical attention immediately.

How Do You Know If You’ve Been Bitten By A Tick?

Tick bites appear as small red bumps on the skin, not unlike the bite of a mosquito. However, while you will likely have many mosquito bites, you will usually only have one tick bite since they will unlatch once they have finished feeding. If you find a bite mark somewhere on your body, be sure to keep an eye on it and your overall health. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek medical attention immediately.

How Do You Prevent Ticks From Getting On You?

When it comes to tick prevention, there are steps you can take to protect yourself when you venture out into the great outdoors. Additionally, there are steps you should take to make your property less attractive to tick-carrying wildlife. While in the great outdoors, you should:

  • Stick to the centers of hiking trails.
  • Avoid venturing into tall grass and brush.
  • Wear long sleeves and pants to cover your exposed skin. 
  • Check you and your pet’s bodies for ticks after returning from spending time in the wilderness.

To make your property less attractive to tick-carrying wildlife, you should:

  • Put protective fencing around vegetable gardens.
  • Pick up any fallen fruit or vegetables.
  • Pick up any uneaten pet food.
  • Keep outdoor dining and seating areas free of food and trash.

For More Answers To Your Tick Questions

If you have any further questions about tick prevention for you or your property, contact the professionals here at Action Pest Control. We know what it takes to keep a property tick-free so that you can enjoy your yard without having to worry about these blood-sucking parasites. Give us a call today.