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Pigeons Don't Mind The Lexington Snow

a cold pigeon

Have you ever wondered why pigeons don't go away for the winter? Have you seen them perched on snow-covered ledges of buildings or walking on snowy sidewalks and wondered, "What are those birds eating?" Or have you asked yourself, "How are those birds staying warm?" Pigeons don't seem to have a problem with winters in Lexington. Here are a few things you should know about them.

Why Pigeons Don't Fly South

Pigeons in Lexington are hardy birds that can tolerate the snow. In the winter, they actually create a winter coat for themselves. This helps them make it through cold winter nights. They also don't possess a migration gene. There is no biological clock telling them to get out of Lexington before it snows.
Okay. They stick around. But what do those pigeons eat all winter? They survive on many things. They'll eat seeds from bird feeders. They'll eat french fries that people throw or drop onto the ground. And they'll get into dumpsters to feed on corn and other starchy vegetables that give them the energy they need to stay warm. This last one can expose them to harmful bacteria and make them a danger to us.  

The Dangers of Having Winter Pigeons

When pigeons look for a place to hide from the cold, they can get into Lexington homes and businesses. Attic spaces are the perfect place for these birds to overwinter because heat rises. When they inhabit attic spaces, their roosts can present a health risk for bacteria, fungal agents and ectoparasites. There are over 60 varieties of diseases that can be spread by pigeons. If you have to clean an indoor roost, be sure to wear a respirator to prevent respiratory illness and check for mites, ticks, and other parasites when you've completed the task.
If pigeons create outside nests during the winter, these nests can cause trouble. Nests created on rooftops can damage air conditioning units and other rooftop machinery. Nests created in gutter systems can block the flow of water. This can be a particular issue in springtime when ice and snow are melting. The droppings left by pigeons are highly corrosive. The acids contained in pigeon droppings are strong enough to eat away at concrete.

How to Get Rid of Winter Pigeons in Lexington

The solution for Lexington pigeons is to call the bird control specialists. At Action Pest Control, bird control isn't an afterthought. It is one of the pillars of our business. We have the knowledge, experience and proven results to ensure that your bird control needs will be properly addressed. We use:

  • Exclusion installations to keep birds from getting in. One example of an exclusion method we deploy is the use of bird netting. Netting can also be used to protect an open area such as rafters above an area where people will be sitting outside. This prevents droppings from falling into sensitive areas.
  • Structural modifications to alter conditions that make habitation attractive to pigeons and other pest birds.
  • Flock dispersion to deter birds from hanging out on your property. We use non-lethal bird deterrents such as bird spikes and shock tracks. These products act as a scarecrow to visually deter them from roosting or perching.

If birds have invaded your attic spaces or roosted on your property, we offer comprehensive services that help to correct the problem.

  • We offer the humane removal of infesting pigeons, or other bird pests.
  • Nest and roost removal.
  • Roost decontamination to prevent diseases and secondary pests problems after the removal of a nest.
  • Guidance on the implementation of bird deterrents after the removal of birds, nests, and roosts.

At Action Pest Control, bird control is our specialty. We employ highly-trained bird control specialists who have a proven track record for getting results. Reach out to us today for commercial or residential pest control. We can help.