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Everything You Need To Know About Fleas In Indianapolis

a big flea up close

Fleas are the pests that you never see but that you always feel. Fleas are parasites, and if you don’t prevent them now, you are looking at an irritating problem later. Maybe you already have fleas in your home. To know for sure, here is everything you need to know about fleas in Indianapolis.

What Does A Flea Look Like?

A flea is a microscopic parasite that feeds off the blood of its host. If fleas are in your home, the hosts are you and your pets. Fleas are only about 2.5mm in size. They are brownish-red, and they don’t have wings. Many people think fleas fly or buzz from host to host, but fleas actually jump from host to host. A flea’s body is covered in small, microscopic hairs that help it move easily through its host’s feathers or fur.

Do Fleas Bite Humans?

If you have blood, you are a target for fleas. Outside of your home, fleas feed on birds, squirrels, deer, rats, mice, and more. Fleas prefer hosts with fur. If your dog or cat is outside, the fleas will jump on them and go inside on the back of your pets. Once a flea gets in your home, you are immediately at risk for an infestation. And while fleas generally prefer our furry friends, they will definitely take advantage of the human blood supply in your home. So to answer the question, yes! Fleas bite humans. In most cases, fleas bite the lower legs, ankles, and feet.

How Fleas Get In Your Home, And The Trouble They Cause

You know your dog or cat can bring fleas into your Indianapolis home, but that isn’t the only way fleas invade. Fleas can get into your home on mice, as well. And even homes without pets are at risk of a flea infestation because fleas are just as apt to jump on your shoes or pants and ride inside. Once fleas are in your home, an infestation is hard to control. There are several problems with fleas in your home:

  • Fleas can cause anemia in household pets, especially in puppies and kittens, because of significant blood loss.
  • Flea bites can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Fleas are associated with tapeworms.
  • Fleas can transfer diseases such as typhus and others.

How To Prevent Fleas In Your Home

Flea infestations don’t take long to grow out of control. To prevent fleas in your home, there are a few things you can do on your own and with the professionals.

  • Make sure your pets are up to date with flea and tick medicine.
  • Mow your lawn regularly.
  • Clean your pet’s bedding.
  • Keep your home clean and vacuum often.
  • Do not allow pets to sleep on your furniture.
  • Call Action Pest Control!

Action Pest Control has many different residential pest control options to choose from, give us a call today to find out which option will work best for you and your family.