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Is That A Fruit Fly Or A Phorid Fly?

a fruit fly on food

Phorid flies, also known as humpbacked flies, have nothing appealing to their character or behavior. They do their feeding and breeding on wet, decaying organic matter. Unsanitary areas seem to attract them on a regular basis, giving phorid flies the nickname of sewer flies. They are quick to spread diseases and contaminate food. Phorid flies are sometimes confused with fruit flies and can be found all over the world even though their preference would seem to be the tropical regions.

The phorid fly is very small fly; no larger than 1/8th of an inch in length. The color of phorid flies ranges from black to a dull brown and yellow. While they are often mistaken for fruit flies, the phorid fly is shaped different and lacks the classic red eye color that the fruit fly is noted for.

The reproductive potential of phorid flies is unbelievably high. This means they can infest a facility in large numbers in a surprisingly short period of time. This rapid population explosion is due to the fact that the female phorid fly can lay as many as 40 eggs in a 12-hour period of time and will deposit approximately 500 eggs during her reproductive lifetime. The tiny phorid eggs are deposited on the surface of decaying plant and animal matter, exposed garbage, animal carcasses, rotten fruit and vegetables and sewage contaminated soil. The freshly hatched larvae will begin emerging within 24 hours and will feed for anywhere from 8 to 16 days before crawling off to a drier location to pupate. The life cycle from egg to adult can be completed in as little as 2 weeks in ideal conditions but will generally take 30 days or more.

The control and eradication of an infestation of phorid flies are not easily accomplished as they will quickly disperse throughout buildings. This is unlike fruit flies who stay close to food and food sources. Eliminating all food sources and breeding sites is the most effective method of controlling an infestation of phorid flies. Begin this process of control by removing all moist decaying organic matter. After a thorough cleaning, allow the area to completely dry out. This will stop their reproduction. Phorid flies need moisture and organic matter to breed; eliminate these conditions, eliminate breeding!  

While prevention tips like this are effective, contacting Action Pest Control is your best approach to solving a phorid fly infestation. As you can imagine, an infestation of this disease spreading fly is not good for your business, employees, customers and your reputation. Customers are not going to continue to patronize a restaurant or food processing facilities that are overrun with phorid flies. Don’t destroy your reputation by giving your customers a negative impression. Action Pest Control will work extensively with you to create an environment that will not attract these and other pests. Contact them today and schedule an inspection. Their highly trained commercial pest control professionals will eradicate those phorid flies in a timely manner. Take Action & Get Action, today!