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Action's Fumigation Service Area Extends To Protect Businesses

nice row of single-family homes

If you live or work in Action’s vast service area and you need a fumigation service, we have you covered! Our services are available for many different industries throughout the states of Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, and Missouri. We offer commercial fumigation services for all pests that may be causing problems in your facility; we also offer bed bug fumigation services for commercial facilities that are fighting these blood-sucking insects.

If you live in any of these states and have been considering a fumigation procedure for any pests that are bothering you, here are some things you should know about our fumigation services:

  1. First, what is fumigation? Fumigation is a treatment type in which gas is introduced into a space and then remains there for a specific period; this gas will kill the targeted pest, whether it is psocids, flies, food-infesting pests, or spiders.
  2. Fumigation can offer an almost 100% reduction of target pest populations, often overnight.
  3. Many facilities can be fumigated, as well as single items, including antique clocks and furniture.
  4. Our fumigation services have been successfully performed in many locations, including museums, barges, tractor-trailers, railcars, warehouses, grain bins, flour mills, and food and pharmaceutical plants.
  5. We utilize a cylindered course of 100% phosphine during some of our fumigation processes.
  6. Fumigation is a highly complex procedure that must be done by experienced fumigation companies with specialized fumigation equipment; with more than 30 years of fumigation experience, Action is the superior choice.

At Action, we offer fumigations for a very large service area; whether you are in Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Louisville, or elsewhere in our expansive service area, you can be sure that we offer exceptional fumigation services to eliminate all pests that are a problem in your facility.

Give us a call today for a free fumigation consultation and take action against the pests that are ruining your product, scaring away customers, and affecting your bottom line.