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Which Is Better For Bed Bugs, Fumigation or Heating?

a bed bug up close

Bed bugs are having damaging effects on commercial entities from hotels to hospitals, day care centers to dormitories, nursing homes, funeral parlors, libraries, retail clothing stores and movie theaters. Actually, the various types of commercial facilities affected by bed bugs are endless and the financial loss is staggering as expenses go beyond extermination costs. In addition to the initial treatment, the business owner must also factor in the economic loss from temporary business closure. Finally, an expense impossible to measure is the damaged reputation and paranoia that causes customers to avoid continual patronizing of the infected business.

The question for all business owners is not “will we experience a bed bug infestation” but rather “how will we treat our facility when it becomes infested?” Many have asked whether fumigation or heat treatment is the most effective method to eliminate bed bugs. Quite frankly, both are effective and have merit. Commercial pest control specialists will look at each individual situation to determine which treatment to offer.

Heat treatment and fumigation are the only two choices that will kill all stages of bed bugs in one application.

Fumigation allows entire complexes to be treated at one time. This is a very complex method and should always be done by personnel that have been specifically trained and certified in fumigation. A wide variety of treatments have been performed by fumigation ranging from antique clocks to warehouses consisting of more than 20 million cubic feet of space. Fumigation is often the treatment of choice for facilities where immediate eradication of bed bugs is required.

Heat treatment is also referred to as heat remediation and is a safe and effective method that does not use chemicals. This alternative to chemical treatments allows the facility to be inhabited and used immediately upon completion of treatment. In fact, untreated areas of the facility may remain operational. It effectively treats the entire structure and all contents. The heat remediation kills all bed bug stages currently present from the egg to a mature adult. It should be noted that, due to the absence of chemicals, heat treatment does not offer protection against future infestations.

Action Pest Control is highly trained and proficient in the use of heat remediation and fumigation. We understand the impact bed bugs have on our commercial clients and the difficulty in removing them. Being in the forefront of pest management technologies enables us to direct you to the most comprehensive and successful bed bug control service for your current situational needs.