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Why House Flies In Your Louisville Home Can Be A Bigger Problem Than You May Think

house flies on fresh meat

When people think of house flies, the first word that comes to mind will probably be “annoying.” These insects persistently flutter about, making aggravating buzzing noises. They’re incredibly hard to swat because they always fly away at just the right time. If they swarm around or land on our food, our instinct is to shoo them off. After all, they are bugs and gross. House flies being irritating shouldn't be our only concern with them. These critters pose greater threats than Louisville residents would imagine.

It’s best to learn everything you can about house flies. You need to know what you might be dealing with and how to handle it. Getting information on them and the services Action Pest Control provides will enable you to prevent these winged nuisances from becoming a problem on your property.

How Do House Flies Look & Behave? What Are The Risks?

House flies are approximately a quarter of an inch long. Black stripes and small hairs cover their gray bodies. This particular species is one of the most common fly there is. They will surround any area that provides an ideal setting for their breeding and feeding. If there’s food, fecal matter, trash, or other accumulations of filth present, they’ll be around. It’s even better for them if the atmosphere is humid and moist.
Outdoors, you’ll find house flies near greenery, dirt, garbage cans, and fencing. When they try to enter your home or business, they’ll crawl through openings in doors, windows, and foundations. Torn screens and lack of weatherstripping is essentially an invitation to them. Once indoors, they’ll settle on walls, floors, and ceilings. 
Since house flies flourish in unsanitary conditions, they are saturated in harmful fungi and bacteria that can contaminate your food, water, and surfaces just by landing on them. Further, they often release waste and vomit in the spaces they encircle. Some of the things these pests can spread or generate are:

  • Viruses
  • Pathogens
  • Typhoid
  • Dysentery
  • Food poisoning
  • Tuberculosis
  • Cholera
  • Anthrax

According to researchers, over 100 pathogens 65 infectious diseases can be linked to house flies. These include illnesses that can affect pets and domestic animals. These flying bugs can also transfer parasitic worm eggs. Simply spotting house flies or their larvae indicates an infestation.

How Can You Prevent House Flies?

Given what we’ve mentioned thus far, keeping house flies out of your home or business will require assessing structural quality, cleaning up interiors, and maintaining your yard. Here are the specific actions to take:

  • Find holes around windows, doors, and foundations, and have them sealed.
  • Trim and groom your lawn and greenery. Plants and flowers should be at least two feet away from the front door. 
  • Inspect fruits and vegetables before purchasing them. Then, place them in the refrigerator right away.
  • Use airtight containers for food and garbage storage.
  • Clean your kitchen and remove trash routinely.
  • Regularly wash drains and disposals.

How Does Action Pest Control Handle House Flies?

Eliminating house flies isn’t as easy as people might think. It isn’t just a matter of swatting them, letting them out, or waiting for them to exit on their own. While they’re active, they are constantly laying eggs. Finding and treating the breeding locations are elemental in extermination. You’re going to have to bring in the professionals.

At Action Pest Control, we have the skills and expertise to identify flies, their entryways, and nests accurately. We have the top products and equipment needed to treat and address these matters. You’ll be bug-free in a short amount of time! Call for a free estimate!