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When Are Mosquitoes Most Active?

mosquito larvae

It is certain that by now you are aware that this year is expected to be a banner year for seasonal pests such as ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. We have the milder than expected winter to blame for that! It is even more certain that if you live here in the Midwest, the pest that concerns you the most this summer is the mosquito! With the increased awareness of the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses such as West Nile virus, chikungunya, and dengue here in the United States, and the warranted concern over the newer addition to this list, Zika virus, preventing mosquitoes – and their potentially dangerous bites - has become a top priority for many home and business owners.

A little background information about mosquitoes is helpful in keeping them at bay. First of all, understand that mosquitoes need water to breed. The female will lay her eggs in any source of standing water that is available, no matter how big or how small. Those old planters in the backyard, the birdbath, and those paint cans under the porch are all potential nests for mosquitoes. Gutters are also a commonly overlooked source for mosquitoes to breed as are low spots in your lawn that can easily collect and hold rainwater. Eliminating as many of these water sources as possible is an important step in lowering mosquito populations in your yard.

Secondly, it is important to note that mosquitoes do not remain active throughout the entire day. In fact, they typically are most active in the early morning and early evening hours when the sun is not as hot and the air temperature is not as warm. Understandably, you cannot simply avoid spending time outdoors during these hours to lessen your chances of a bite; it just isn’t practical. But, you can be aware that these are the times you are most likely to run into the female mosquitoes that bite in order to obtain the blood they need for reproduction (males do not bite) and avoid outdoor activities whenever possible during these hours.

Thirdly, applying bug sprays that contain DEET or natural remedies such as lemongrass and oil of eucalyptus can help to deter bites, but they are not foolproof. Treating clothing, shoes, tents, and other outdoor equipment with products containing Picaridin may also help some, but be sure to not apply this chemical to your skin!

The surest way to take back your Indianapolis backyard from these dangerous biting insects is to contact Action Pest Control for seasonal mosquito control services. Mosquitoes generally only travel a few hundred feet from their breeding sites which means that treating your property for mosquitoes will greatly reduce their population in your yard which, in turn, will greatly reduce your chances of contracting a mosquito-borne illness.

To learn more about our effective mosquito control services, our seasonal tick or flea control, or our year-round residential and commercial pest control services, contact one of our experts today.