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Mice, Bed Bugs And Termites On A Roll This September

a bed bug on bread

Why is it, every movie that has cowboys in it has at least one scene of a railroad being constructed? - Probably because the building of the Continental Railroad was the most significant endeavor of that era and an easily recognizable visual for avid fans of the genre. When you see a locomotive waiting for track to be put down in front of it and hundreds of immigrant workers toiling to get the job done, you immediately know what you're looking at. So, why mention the Continental Railroad in this article? Because we can learn something about pest control from those railroad tycoons: It is important to lay down the tracks before the train comes. As we approach another fall, when a host of bugs and some rodents are going to start looking for a place to get in out of the cold, we decided it was a good idea to share with you the top 3 pests we’ve been dealing with this month, and how to get protection in place before the insect train comes to your home. This list is compiled from phone calls, contact forms, and reports from technicians in the field throughout our coverage area of Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky.


Really it’s not all that surprising mice are a trending pest problem right now. After all, our region has had a few colder than normal days in the last month or so which has likely had these pests thinking about finding shelter for the coming winter months. Though they live outside, mice are commensal rodents, meaning they partially rely on humans for survival. When they find a way inside homes and businesses, they take advantage of the many hiding places to create nests, forage in kitchens and food storage areas for their meals and enjoy the easy access to water. Despite what they think, mice do not belong inside. Find out how Action’s home pest control services stops these critters and other household pests from invading.

Bed Bugs

Since their reappearance in the late 1990s, these bed bugs have spread like wildfire. We're getting more calls every year as these bugs continue to invade homes, hotels, schools, libraries, public areas, and businesses. The number-one preventative for bed bugs is public awareness. Understand that these bugs can be anywhere people lay or sit. Though they prefer to feed on sleeping humans, they can feed on a fully awake human as well. Learn to recognize these flat, oval, rust-colored bugs, and learn to look for black excrement on the stitching and seams of seats and mattresses. It’s worth mentioning that though bed bugs don’t have season to speak of, many professionals across the nation believe that bed bug calls increase during the summer months. Perhaps because more people are taking advantage of the break from school to squeeze in a vacation. If you need help fighting these pests, Action Pest Control is the company to call. From bed bug dog inspections to highly effective heat treatments, our bed bug control services are the best in the region.


These wood-destroying insects, which are responsible for billions of dollars in damages nationwide each year, are so active in the Midwest this time of year we've created a Termite Resource Center on our website to handle the volume of questions we're receiving. If you want to stop the termite train before it gets to your home, you'll need to have a barrier put in place. This will require the help of a professional. Click here to learn more about Action’s effective termite control solutions.

For relief from pests in Louisville, Indianapolis or elsewhere in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, contact Action Pest Control. Our team of certified experts can help you stop that train in its tracks.