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Is It Too Late To Protect My Elizabethtown Home From Termites This Summer?

termite on wood

It's never too late to begin preparing your home for termite season. One of the best preventative measures you can take is to schedule regular termite inspections. Termites can spread from one yard to another quickly, and dig extensive tunnels from one property to another. Elizabethtown and the surrounding areas have high termite populations, so it makes sense to start preventative measures ASAP. For this reason, there are year-round treatment options available to homeowners. Action Pest Control utilizes state of the art treatment methods, such as Sentricon.

One of the most common pests affecting properties in the Elizabethtown area is the subterranean termite: a small, highly invasive insect whose habitat ranges across the entire United States. Subterranean termites focus on destroying soil quality through extensive tunneling, and cause serious drainage issues in lawns which, in turn, encourages secondary pest infestations. Established termite colonies are also responsible for severe structural damage to homes.

What factors lead to termite infestations in my area?

During the summer, termites travel in large, flying groups called swarms. Termites tend to swarm on warm days after heavy rainfall; increased humidity brings these insects to the surface. Flying termites are reproductive males and females looking for new areas to colonize. Yards with poor drainage or standing water are the most attractive to termites. Poor drainage means that the soil will be damp, easy to dig in, and will hold its shape when the termite tunnels; these factors allow termites to dig large nests underground. Abandoned wooden structures, wood and brush piles, and stumps on a property, will also attract termites.

How much damage can termites inflict on my property?

Termites can spread across your property very rapidly; much of their activity takes place underground, as well as in wooden structures in your home. Damage is hard for many novices to identify. Scheduling a regular termite inspection allows a trained professional to examine your property. Should changes occur in your lawn, crawlspace, or any other part of your property, we'll be the first to notice, and can begin effective treatment immediately. We recommend the use of chemical preventatives, such as Sentricon® System with Always Active™ to treat termite infestations at the root. Sentricon® with Always Active™ works as a bait, which is carried by worker termites to the queen. Without the queen, the colony is unable to reproduce. This method is one of the most effective forms of treatment on the market today, and Action Pest Control is ready to deploy it for you. To discuss home treatment options with one of our professional service technicians, contact Action Pest Control today!