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How To Have A Pest-Free Holiday In Indianapolis

a nice southern home

For many, the end of the year is the season for visiting family and friends, time off from work, and dusting off your decorations. We know how important it is for everything to align just right, either for that much-needed relaxation or the long-awaited stay from loved ones, but a wonderful time of year can be in jeopardy because of one small mistake at your Indianapolis home.

What some don’t consider about bringing those tablecloths, ceramic reindeer, or menorah down from the attic is that there may be pests living in those boxes that are more than happy to have a living upgrade to a warmer environment with more food available.

Three Types Of Pests That Can Come In Through Stored Boxes

Whether you store your decorations in the attic, basement, garage, or shed, many pests find these areas suitable hiding places from the weather with close proximity to food.

Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse bites can cause necrosis that could lead to serious infections. They are unlikely to bite but will if they are threatened, such as if you are moving their home. They like to keep out of sight and eat other pests in the area and your stored cardboard boxes make good hiding places for them. While the brown recluse can be said to have some benefits as an efficient cockroach and moth hunter, its prey is another of the pests you could bring inside with the boxes.


While small in size cockroaches are a major health hazard, spreading more than 30 different kinds of bacteria, parasitic worms, and other dangerous pathogens. They will eat nearly anything with slight nutritional value, including documents, glue, and curtains, and can survive on virtually no food. Signs of their presence include pepper-like feces, fecal smears, egg sacks that range from yellow to reddish-brown, and shed exoskeletons.


The final unwanted invader needs no more excuse to take up residence in storage than shelter from the cold. Whether rats or mice, rodents can be vectors for diseases like salmonella, tuberculosis, rat-bite fever, leptospirosis, and more. They love human food and trash but can eat insects and survive on outside food like nuts and berries. When in stored decorations they will leave chewed holes in boxes, wood, and Christmas light wires. They may also leave droppings, greasy rub marks, nests out of paper, fabric, and insulation.

All three of these guests could derail your holiday plans in a minute, so before you bring the decorations inside, practice these pest prevention techniques.

How To Avoid Bringing Pests Indoors With The Decorations

Keeping a lookout for signs of pests in your boxes might prevent an unfortunate accident, but techniques that will make your yearly pest inspection easier are included in this list.

  • Wrap decorations in sealed plastic after thoroughly cleaning them.
  • Store them in sealed, plastic containers.
  • Don’t store trash or food near storage boxes.
  • When bringing decorations out, look through the boxes outside for signs of infestation, cleaning the decorations with soap and water, or vacuuming them thoroughly.
  • Wear gloves and long sleeves when sorting through the boxes in case you come in contact with biting pests or feces.
  • Practice general pest control techniques, and make sure water isn’t readily available around your home, and holes and cracks are sealed with silicon-based caulk.

It may seem like a lot of work but preventing infestations is always preferable to responding to them after they've made their way into your home.

For More Advice Or Assistance, Call Action Pest Control

If prevention seems hard, Action Pest Control can help you get started on keeping your home protected from pests. Perhaps you fear there’s an ongoing infestation, and you need help quickly to save your holiday plans.

Whatever your home pest control needs are, we have a plan for you. Our complete, best protection plan includes a full package of year-round prevention, inspection, and extermination service that will ensure you never have to worry about pests in your home. Contact us for a free inspection.