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Help! I Have Been Stung By A Wasp In Evansville!

a wasp near a swimming pool

Summertime is one of the most highly anticipated seasons of the year. Once the hot weather hits, outdoor activities abound, from spending time at the pool or beach to backyard barbecues. Unfortunately, with the summer fun also comes an increase in pests drawn to the change in the climate. One of those insects happens to be the wasp.

At Action Pest Control, we understand the potential problems that come with wasps on or around your property, which is why we provide the best pest control in Evansville for our residents. Wasps are not only a nuisance, especially while enjoying outdoor events, but their stings can cause severe reactions to those who are allergic. So, with summer on the horizon, it’s important to get educated about wasps to protect yourself and your family. Read on to learn more about wasp prevention in Evansville and how to avoid getting stung.

What Do Wasps Look Like?

It is not uncommon for people to confuse wasps with bees due to their similar shapes. However, distinct differences will help you recognize one species from the other. Check out the list of physical characteristics below to gain a better understanding of how to identify wasps

  • Wasps are typically black with various yellow, orange, or white markings.
  • Wasps are slender with a narrow, cinched waist.
  • Wasps don’t have much hair, so their bodies appear to have a smooth surface.
  • Wasps can range from just a half-inch to one inch in length.

Paper wasps and yellow jackets are the most common wasp species in the United States, with the latter being much more aggressive than the former. Contact your local exterminating company, which is knowledgeable in the best ways to get rid of wasps in Evansville. 

Did You Get Stung By A Wasp?

If you’ve never been stung by a wasp before, you most likely wouldn’t know what to expect. Those who do not have allergic reactions to stings will only experience minor symptoms, such as a burning sensation or an initial sharp pain. Afterward, swelling, redness, and itchiness will develop, which you can relieve with over-the-counter ointments and non-prescription anti-inflammatories. People who know they’re allergic to stings or those who develop a severe reaction should seek medical attention immediately.  

How To Treat A Wasp Sting

As much as you’ve tried to avoid it by employing all the recommended wasp prevention tactics and taking the necessary precautions, it happened – you were stung by a wasp! The first thing you need to do is remove yourself quickly from the attack site to reduce the chances of getting stung multiple times. Once you have fled the scene, take the following steps:

  • Thoroughly cleanse the affected area with warm soap and water.
  • Use a thin, clean cloth wrapped around ice or a cold pack to apply to the sting site.
  • Take over-the-counter medication to reduce inflammation, such as ibuprofen.
  • Apply an antihistamine or calamine cream to any areas that have become red and swollen.
  • Monitor your symptoms to see if you’re getting better or worse.

If your symptoms worsen, or if you were stung in the nose, throat, or mouth, seek medical attention right away. If you were stung on your property, reach out to professionals adept at conducting proper wasp removal.

How To Keep Wasps From Taking Over Your Property

The best way to prevent wasps from taking over your yard is to eliminate the main source of activity by contacting a professional service that does wasp nest removal in Evansville. At Action Pest Control, our well-trained, state-certified technicians can perform the eradication of all types of wasps. Allow our friendly and knowledgeable team to assist you. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection!