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Four Things Every Homeowner Should Know About Fleas

flea on a person

Fleas are one of those pests that are easy to forget until the scratching begins, and you are no longer able to ignore them. The bite of this tiny insect can send pets into a chewing, digging frenzy that causes their skin to erupt and their hair to fall out, and the result to people isn’t any better. Fleas will leave tiny, red welts around ankles, on legs, and on other exposed areas that can become infected when we scratch. And, the itching from a flea bite seems to last for a long period of time – sometimes for days. It would be hard to think of another pest that can cause such significant itching. When you consider the duration and intensity of their bite, not even a mosquito can compare! Once fleas appear, your only thought is how to get rid of them, and fast! But, there are some things that you should know about these tiny parasites before they decide to invade your home and make your life miserable! So, here are four things every homeowner should know about fleas:

The first thing to know is what fleas look like. Since there are more than 2,000 flea species, that may be a difficult undertaking; but in general, you are only likely to encounter a few species in your home including the cat flea, the canine flea, the sand flea, and the rat flea – and all of these have pretty similar features. These fleas are reddish-brown and appear flat. They have a hard shell and are difficult to squish. Fleas are wingless, flightless insects that generally measure in at 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch. Fleas have very large hind legs and are capable of jumping vertically as high as 7 inches.

Now that you know what you are looking for, the next fact to know is what dangers they pose. We have already discussed the significant itching that they cause and the danger of infection when you or your pet scratches, but fleas are also known as a dangerous pest due to their ability to carry and transmit diseases to people and pets. Fleas are capable of transmitting viruses, bacteria, and rickettsial diseases to people and pets. Fleas can also transmit several types of worms to your furry friends.

The third thing to know about fleas is how they get into your home. Many people think they are safe because they do not own pets, but those people would be incorrect. Fleas can enter your home on mice, rats, squirrels, raccoons, or any other small animal that finds its way into your eaves, attic, or basement. Fleas will also jump onto your shoes, into your pant cuff, or into that bag that you placed on the ground while you fumbled for your house keys. And, when you consider how tiny the humble flea is, I’m sure you can think of numerous little holes in your foundation, window screens, or doorways that would facilitate their entrance into your home. While it is true that pets are the number one way that fleas enter your home, don’t forget that they are not the only way!

The final and perhaps the most important fact to know about fleas is how to get rid of them. A fogger or spray from the store may kill a few, but they will not reach all of the eggs that are tucked into the tiniest of nooks and crannies. Using DIY products may kill a few, but you are only postponing an inevitable surge, and DIY products will not address the access points that fleas are using to enter your home in the first place. The best way to completely eliminate fleas and address the areas that they are capitalizing on in your home is to call in the experts at Action Pest Control. Our professionals have the tools, training, and technology to quickly eliminate fleas from your property, and they can help you to eliminate the conditions on your property that are drawing fleas in. To learn more about our effective solutions for your flea infestation or to learn about our year-round home pest control plans that control fleas along with more than 40 other common household pests, contact us today.