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Bed Bugs In Indianapolis

a bed bug on a person

Bed bugs are a growing problem in all major cities, and Indianapolis is no exception. If you own or manage property in the Indianapolis area, you need to be aware of this threat, and have a bed bug treatment plan in place. Here is how to protect your business and your brand.

Damage Control.

Bed bugs can mean significant losses to your yearly income. With modern technology, your customers are a couple taps away from a review about your business. If a guest has stayed on your property and left unsatisfied, there is a good chance their experience will end up on the internet, in some form or another.

There are many types of people who pass through your establishment. If bed bugs are found, some will not be comforted no matter what you do. But you have a greater chance of protecting your brand if you take this problem seriously and show that you have a plan in place. Here are some examples taken from

One Indianapolis guest wrote, "Our room was refunded and we were offered a certificate for another stay. I don't know that I want to go back but it was an appropriate gesture." Though this guest had no intention of returning, management was able to prevent a bad review by having a refund policy in place.

Some guests will be satisfied to be moved to another room that is free of bugs. An Indianapolis guest wrote, "They kindly moved us to a new room and provided a bottle of wine."

There are some guests who will not be cajoled no matter what you do. "Finally someone came up. We showed him our bug and he said, "Yes, that is what it looks like." He went on to say we could be moved to another room. Seriously?"

This review shows what a good relationship with a guest can yield: "On 4/23 ... I broke out with close to 100 bed bug bites. Management was very responsive, but, I stayed elsewhere during my next two visits. I am staying there again …" Obviously, management showed this guest that they had no intention of allowing this problem to continue, and the guest responded by giving the establishment another chance.

Have A Plan To Protect Your Business.

The best way to stop this is to keep those bugs from infesting in the first place. Since this is a bug that is carried in by your guests, keeping bed bugs out is nearly impossible. The best you can hope for is to keep bed bug populations from growing and do routine inspections to find new infestations before they can grow.

In Indianapolis, Action Pest Control has the most comprehensive and effective bed bug plans. If you are dealing with an infestation, they have heat treatments and fumigation services to safely destroy all bugs on your property. If you are looking to protect you business from an outbreak, they have K9 Bed Bug Inspectors that are able to sniff out living bed bugs still inside their egg sacks.

This is a bug that is hard to control but, with routine inspections, it is possible. Protect your business and your brand by stopping bed bugs before they drive one of your guests to tell a horror story on yelp, bedbugregistry, or some other review service. Partner with Action Pest Control and keep your property bed bug free. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.