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5 Tips To Avoid Ticks

Tick on human skin

Nature is filled with creatures that would love to bite us if given the chance. Some of these creatures are large such as bears and wolves. There is one, however, that is much much smaller, so small in fact that they can hide behind blades of grass and remain completely invisible to the naked eye. Of course, we are talking about the elusive and even potentially dangerous tick. Although unlike bears and wolves, the bite of a tick will not leave you severely wounded and fearing for your life, it does put you at risk of a variety of harmful diseases, the most well-known of which being Lyme disease. The question is, how can we keep these tiny pests from biting us while we are out and about? We are going to answer this question for you today.

What is the best way to repel ticks?

Ticks are extremely difficult to spot. This makes avoiding them a nearly impossible task. For this reason, tick prevention and abatement are extremely important.

Here are some of our tips to prevent ticks this summer:

  1. When outdoors, use tick repellant. This can be found at most supermarket stores and usually can be found in natural options.
  2. Wear light-colored clothing when outdoors. This will make ticks easier to spot if they are crawling up your clothing.
  3. Wear long pants, tucking the bottom of them into your socks. Although this may look silly, it is one of the best ways to stop ticks from crawling up your legs to bite you.
  4. Inspect your clothing and body for ticks after you have been outdoors. Be sure to check your pets and children as well. Early tick discovery can save you a load of trouble.
  5. Keep your landscaping well-maintained and clutter-free. This can be done by mowing grass regularly and trimming bushes, hedges, and tree branches.

What are ticks attracted to?

There have been many studies on ticks to determine what attracts them to us.

Here are some things this research suggests:

  1. Ticks are drawn to high amounts of carbon dioxide. As you probably know this gas is exhaled by humans and is released in greater quantities when you exercise.
  2. Ticks like warm temperatures and perspiration, two things that can be found on the human body.
  3. Some studies have shown ticks to prefer certain blood types, specifically type O.

How To Remove A Tick

When removing a tick, your main goal should be to keep the tick's head attached to its body. The last thing you want is to leave its head beneath your skin after pulling off its body.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Clean around where the tick has bitten with rubbing alcohol.
  • Using a pair of tweezers grip on the tick as close to its head as possible.
  • Pull with slow and firm pressure.
  • Clean the area a second time with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
  • Store the tick in a sealable plastic bag in the freezer.

If this last step seems strange to you, let us explain. Tick-borne diseases can be difficult to identify without the original vector that spread it to you. If a tick that has bitten you transmits a dangerous disease into your system, having the tick that bit you on hand will help doctors identify what you are sick with, allowing them to treat it early and likely cure it before it becomes too serious.

How Action Can Help

Tick prevention is not an easy task without professional help. If you are looking for an easy, effective way to keep your Terre Haute home tick-free this summer, consider Action Pest Control for your tick prevention needs.

For any questions on ticks or to schedule an appointment for your property, contact us today!