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Everything Jasper Residents Need To Know About House Spider Control

a spider in a garden

Indiana has soil that is perfect for growing a vegetable garden. No store-bought vegetable compares to a ripe tomato off the vine or fresh summer squash. Gardens require work, but they are also therapeutic and rewarding. 

One concern many new gardeners has is spiders. People wonder if they should take steps to eliminate spiders amongst the plants. Also, there is concern about the spiders entering their home. If you have a spider infestation at your Jasper property, get the Jasper pest control specialists at Action Pest Control. 

What Kind Of Spiders Like To Invade Gardens In Jasper?

Of the 45,500 spider species worldwide, about 400 species are in Indiana. Not all of those spider species plague gardens, but the types of garden spiders you will see include:

  • Wolf spiders
  • Black-and-yellow garden spider
  • Brown lynx spider
  • Spotted orb-weaver spiders
  • Crab spiders
  • Jumping spiders
  • Nursery web spiders
  • Parson spider
  • Huntsman spider

You may see different kinds of spiders in your garden that are not on this list. Factors affecting spider species in your garden include the food available and vegetation. 

Are The Spiders In My Garden Venomous?

You will notice the presence of spiders in the garden late in the summer. As the summer continues, the insect population increases. Spiders feed on insects. As the number of insects increases around your garden, spiders arrive seeking food. 

There are only two known poisonous spiders in Indiana: the black widow and the brown recluse spider. Black widow spiders are identifiable by the red hourglass marking on their abdomen. This spider species prefers to live in dark, sheltered locations; thus, they usually are not found in gardens. The only place you might find a black widow in the garden is under a log or stones. 

The brown recluse spider is identifiable by the violin-shaped marking on its back. These spiders prefer dry locations in barns and sheds; they also reside in basements, crawlspaces, and garages. Outdoors, these spiders may be under rock ledges, but those are not likely to be present in your Jasper garden. 

You can take comfort that the spiders in gardens in Jasper are not venomous. Spiders in the vegetation may bite but will only do so if disturbed or threatened.

Are The Spiders In My Garden Beneficial, Or Can They Cause Harm?

 Spiders in Indiana are beneficial to your garden for several reasons:

  • Spiders eat insects: Spiders eat insects such as flies, wasps, caterpillars, mosquitos, aphids, spider mites, and more. 
  • Spiders do not consume plants: They may consume a tiny amount of pollen, but they do not eat the plants. 
  • Spiders reduce the need for pesticides: You can minimize the use of pesticides because spiders decrease the garden insect population.
  • Spiders decrease pathogens on plants: Spiders reduce the transfer of harmful bacteria and fungi by pests. 

 A slight negative effect of spiders is that they occasionally snag good pests such as bees in their webs, but overall, they are beneficial to have in the garden.

There Are So Many Spiders In My Garden. How Can I Remove Them?

The best way to get rid of spiders infesting your garden is to implement these suggestions:

  • Remove debris near the garden area 
  • Mow nearby grass regularly
  • Plant repellant plants like basil, marigolds, lavender 
  • Replace nearby outdoor lighting with bug lights 

The successful removal of spiders includes utilizing these suggestions and the services of our home pest control experts at Action Pest Control. We can identify the spider species invading your garden and take appropriate action. We use environmentally safe treatments. Our treatments will not hurt your garden vegetation but will effectively eliminate the spiders. Contact us today, and let us solve your spider problems.