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Bed Bug Awareness Week In Indianapolis , IN

bed bug and larvae on a bed frame

It’s the first week of June here in Indianapolis, IN and most of us are out enjoying the warm weather and bountiful sunshine that give us so much to celebrate. But there's another important event happening this week that we should all keep in mind: Bed Bug Awareness Week!

This is a great time of year to be mindful and watchful for the presence of bed bugs in our communities, homes, and properties. The unfortunate fact is, bed bugs are becoming more and more common around our area, and much more difficult to eliminate than before. The best way to prevent infestations or health and safety concerns in our neighborhoods is to understand how, where, and why these pests do what they do. Let’s start Bed Bug Awareness Week with a little help from Action Pest Control!

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small six-legged insects from the Cimex genus that feed on human blood. As nocturnal creatures, these insects will wait until people lay down or become inactive for a significant amount of time before feeding. You will likely never see a bed bug crawling around during the day, but if you notice a light brown bug with six legs, a flat body, and an oval-like shape, you may have just identified a potential infestation in your home.

Bed bugs are not known to spread any diseases at this time, but they are well known for providing itchy bites and messy scenes after feasting. Long term bed bug infestations may lead to anemia, insomnia, and even skin rashes in certain victims, as well as allergic reactions.

Why Do Bed bugs Feed On People?

Bed bugs feed on human beings to consume the multitude of vitamins and minerals present in their blood. Unable to produce these vitamins themselves, bed bugs are inextricably linked to human activity inside the home.

How Do Bed bugs Get Inside?

Bed bugs are known for grabbing onto personal belongings to hitch a ride indoors. These pests are commonly found inside airports, train stations, bus terminals, and other high traffic transportation zones. Rooms and buildings that see a high volume of traffic may also be affected. Hotels, AirBnBs, and even fancy resorts are all subject to the deleterious effects of the humble bed bug.

It should be noted that bed bugs do not specifically attack households that are ‘dirty’ or unorganized. Rather, these pests are opportunistic feeders that will travel wherever they need to go for their next meal.

Are There Ways To Spot Bed Bugs Early On? 

The most accurate way to identify a bed bug infestation is to receive a K-9 inspection from a reputable local pest control agency. These canines are carefully trained to identify the scent of an infestation and point out areas where the scent is strongest. 

In terms of a DIY (do it yourself) diagnoses, look for the following signs:

  • The appearance of stains on bed sheets and upholstery 
  • A strong odor inside the house (musky or sweet) 
  • Piles of exoskeletons found underneath beds or near windows

What Is The Most Effective Way To Handle A Bed bug Infestation? 

Bed bug infestations are difficult to eliminate and are impossible to treat using home remedies alone. This Bed Bug Awareness Week hit the bugs where it hurts with an effective bed bug control treatment plan from Action Pest Control.

Call Action Pest Control for pest control services in Indianapolis, IN and ask for a home inspection, visitation, or initial plan as soon as possible. We’re proud to be one of the first and foremost leaders in bed bug treatment in the Indianapolis, IN area. Check out what we can do by booking an appointment by calling us at Action Pest Control today!