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Rodent Control: Top Five Signs Of Mice in Your House

House Mouse up close

Chances are you’ve probably had a mouse in your house at one time or another – whether you’ve known it or not. And, as long as they have food, warmth, and shelter, they can thrive almost anywhere! Mice and other rodents pose serious health threats. They can spread disease by contaminating food meant for our families and pets. Rodents are a serious safety threat as well. The number one reason for unexplained house fires is attributed to their gnawing through wires.

As temperatures begin to drop, rodents are looking for a warm place to nest for the winter.

Here are the top signs you may have mice in your house.

  1. Mice Nests: Mice tend to make their nests of soft materials that provide warmth and a comfortable den for their babies to grow. Pillow stuffing, bedding, insulation, paper towels, carpeting, and string all provide a comfy home for rodents in the winter months. Add this to a low-lying cabinet, the back of an appliance, or a wall void close to a food source, and house mice and their rodent cousins will have a nice location to call home.
  2. Rodent Droppings: An adult house mouse can produce over 80 fecal droppings and 3,000 droplets of urine a day. YUCK!! You’re sure to have a rodent infestation if you notice their small brown-black droppings. Check corners in closets, drawers, cabinets, and baseboards.
  3. Fresh Gnaw Marks: The word “rodent” means “to gnaw” and they live up to their name. To keep their ever-growing teeth short, rats and mice will chew through wood, drywall, plastic, cardboard, and much more!
  4. Tracks: All rodents leave tracks including foot and tail marks which can be seen on dusty or soiled surfaces. Mice and rats can also leave rub marks along frequently traveled walls, pipes, and rafters as a result of oil and dirt rubbing off their fur.
  5. Sound: Light shuffling and scurrying sounds in ceilings and wall voids are signs of a mouse in your home.

To get rid of mice and other pests this winter, be sure to seal gaps around windows and doors. Keep food stored in airtight containers, and eliminate clutter on the floor that could be used as nesting materials. Garages, attics, basements, and kitchens are the most common places to find rodent activity so pay special attention to these areas. If you suspect you have mice in your house, contact us for a free rodent control inspection!