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Message From The President

Kevin Pass Action Pest President

I have always been a dog lover, but I never thought I would pay thousands of dollars for two dogs, and then hire a 24/7 handler to take care of them. But that’s exactly what I did when I bought Indy and Izzy. It is a jaw-dropping experience to watch these dogs work. Just the other day, Indy revealed evidence of bed bugs in 54 locations in a single nursing home. His alerts were on live eggs, nymphs, and adult bed bugs located in beds, wheelchairs, linen closets, and other areas you would never even think to look at. He has also found bed bugs in the homes of our customers who are taking advantage of our bed bug warranty program.

Good canine inspectors like Indy and Izzy are invaluable when finding bed bugs or confirming their absence. Typically, we get a call from a facility where bed bugs have been found in one or two locations. Since bed bugs are so small and hard to find, it takes a canine unit to quickly locate additional infested areas so the treatment zone can be identified and the infestation quickly eliminated. Before we had the dogs, eggs smaller than the period at the end of this sentence were easily overlooked and infestations could re-appear in a few weeks. With Indy and Izzy, our level of identification and control has improved dramatically.

Action hit a home run when we bought Indy and Izzy. They are two of the best bed bug detectives to come out of the Action Canine Institute in Free Soil, MI where they were trained.