The Problems Rodents Bring With Them
If you have ever had a rodent or two get into your home, then you are familiar with the telltale signs that they leave behind. Those tiny little house mice, those not-so-tiny Norway rats, and even squirrels can be quite a headache to deal with once they find their way inside. And they bring more problems with them than you might be aware of! Some issues that rodents cause are obvious. Others, not so much. In today's article, we are going to take a look at several troublesome facts about rodents when they get inside our homes!
The Obvious Problems Rodents Bring

- Noises in the walls: Oftentimes, the first hint people notice when rodents have gotten into their home is when they start hearing scampering, scratching, scuffling noises inside their walls. These noises usually happen around bedtime, as most rodents are nocturnal. If the noises are loud enough and/or close enough to a person's sleeping quarters, this could mean very poor sleep for homeowners. And we all know how lack of sleep can affect us!
- Odors: If a rodent population is allowed to grow inside a home, the amount of urine and feces in your attic, wall voids, and pantry area will grow right along with it. The more droppings and urine build-up, the more noticeable the foul-smelling odor will become.
Secondary Problems Rodents Bring Into Homes
- Holes: If rodents are getting into your home, that means there are some pretty significant holes somewhere in your foundation, outer walls, or even your roof. While mice can squeeze into a hole the size of a dime, larger mice, rats, or squirrels may chew those holes to make them large enough to squeeze through. Once there are holes, not only does this allow heat or cool air to escape (which raises your electric bills) but this also allows rain and humidity to get in. This can lead to water damage and wood rot. And water-softened wood is an attractant for pests such as termites and carpenter ants, among others. Rodent entry points also make easy entryways for pests such as spiders, centipedes, or cockroaches to crawl through.
- Gnawing: As mentioned, rodents often chew holes in homes to get inside. But their chewing doesn't stop there. Once inside, rodents will chew on everything from wooden structures to stored items. They will chew on plastic, sheetrock, food packages, and even electrical wiring! If they are trying to get somewhere inside the walls and there are wires in the way, they will simply chew their way through. This presents a fire hazard and is very dangerous.
- Parasites: Rodents do not travel alone. And we are not talking about when they bring their family with them, although this is often true as well. We are talking about all the hitchhiking pests that can be found living in these rodents’ fur. Fleas and ticks are all among the parasites that rodents commonly carry into homes when they invade. Most people know what a nightmare these infestations can be. A flea infestation can be nearly impossible to conquer without professional help. And ticks bring the possibility of spreading harmful diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and more!

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Why DIY Rodent Removal Is A Bad Idea
If you know rodents have infiltrated your home, you are probably doing some research as to how to get rid of them. Can you do it yourself, or is it a better idea to partner with a professional for rodent control? Before making that decision, here are some questions you might want to think about:
Are rodents dangerous?
While rodents don't typically attack humans, they can be dangerous if cornered or protecting their young. And bite or scratch from a rodent (especially a rodent infected with a disease) can be very dangerous.
Is rodent clean-up dangerous?
You might not think it, but cleaning up after rodents can be hazardous. If particles from droppings become airborne, this can cause you to become very ill. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is a serious respiratory disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings, or saliva.
Did I get all the rodents?
Even if you manage to trap and eliminate most of the rodents in your home with DIY methods, you will not know whether or not you were able to get them all and may find yourself in a never-ending battle, whereas when you partner with a professional, you can be assured that all the rodents in your home have been removed.