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What Jasper Property Owners Ought To Know About Brown Recluse Spiders

a big brown recluse spider

In life, not recognizing a dangerous situation can end up pretty badly. On the flip side, thinking that something is dangerous when it really isn't can also put you in harm's way. Imagine there's a fake fire (and, for you fans of The Office television show, you've seen this one before), you might consider jumping out of the window, or you might hurt yourself in the panic. There are certain cases when jumping out of the window might actually be necessary, but only if you're reading the danger the right way. 

Identifying A Brown Recluse

There are hundreds of different spiders that plague Jasper homes, and many resemble the dangerous brown recluse spider. So, how can you tell the difference?
First of all, even though they are year-round pests, you're more likely to see them in the warmer months when they are more active. Their small, tan to light brown bodies are usually less than the size of a quarter, including the legs. Two of their most distinctive features are their nearly translucent legs (which is why you'll rarely even see them) and the dark marking on their backs. This dark marking typically resembles a violin, and why they're often referred to as "fiddle-back spiders."
One of the most common spiders that you'll see on your property that bears a heavy resemblance to a brown recluse is the wolf spider. These brown spiders are not dangerous to humans, and they do not use webs to capture prey. Another difference is their black-banded legs, along with having a lot of hair on their body (thus, the "wolf spider"). Seeing a wolf spider is not a cause for alarm, but understanding the difference between the two spiders is essential.
You're likely to find brown recluse spiders in your attic, crawl spaces, or anywhere with cover where they can to hide. They're able to go days without water, so they have no problem living in your home for a long time. Wherever they have a sustainable source of prey (other pests), they'll stay for a while.

Best Prevention Methods

If a brown recluse spider bites you, you'll need to seek medical attention. You see, their venom isn't like other spiders; it will actually begin eating away at your flesh from the top down. In severe cases, it can deteriorate tissues to the bone when no medical attention is received. That's not the kind of liability you need crawling around your home with your family around. 
In order to prevent brown recluse activity in your home, it's best to attempt to limit attracting them by reducing the amount of food available. You can do this by controlling other pest populations in your house by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Storing food and trash properly: Any garbage or food that pests have access to will lead to all sorts of bugs very quickly.
  • Declutter your home: Any open spaces are intimidating to pests, but they thrive in areas of the house where they can move around from covered space to covered space. 
  • Moisture control: Most pests prefer a damp, dark habitat, so controlling moisture is key. Use a dehumidifier in your basement or crawl space while monitoring for leaking pipes very carefully. 
  • Keep pests from having easy access: You need to seal up any entry points into your house. Weatherstrip your doors and secure the caulking around your windows. You'll also want to check screens carefully for holes or tears.

While these guidelines should reduce your risk, do-it-yourself home pest control methods are never guaranteed. For an approach that you can count on, contact Action Pest Control for more advice or assistance.