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Three Easy Tricks To Protect Your Lexington Property From Termites

a termite on the ground

Let's talk termites. In Lexington, we homeowners tend to think about termites as we think about tornadoes. Sure, it could happen to us, but it'll probably happen to someone else. We build our underground bunkers and pretend like we're protected. But how do you know you're truly protected? That's a question that needs answering, especially when you consider that termite damage can be more common than tornado damage.

Noticing An Infestation

Homeowners usually allow termite activity in Lexington to go on within their walls unnoticed, and that's when it gets costly. It typically only takes six months to a year for termites to cause damage that will require expensive repairs. But with termites working predominantly within your walls or under your house, seeing the actual pest is usually pretty rare. However, if you keep a close eye out, you might notice that they are working or colonizing. Here's what homeowners need to look out for in order to spot on infestation early.

  • Swarming: In the warm days following a rainstorm, termites will swarm in the air around your property. Swarmers are the winged termites in charge of reproduction and colonization, so a termite swarm is a good sign of a current or future infestation on your property.
  • Frass: This material is a mixture of wood pellets and termite droppings that termites will expel from their tunnels as they work. You might notice frass along the floor by the walls of your home if you have an infestation.
  • Tight-fitting doors and windows: This indicates internal damage to the wooden frames caused by termites.
  • Soft-clicking noises: While termites work, they'll emit some clicks from within your walls. It's so subtle, it may sound like it's in your head, but ignoring it could cost you big time.

If you haven't seen any of these signs, you might be in the clear. However, you can never be too careful when there are thousands of dollars on the line. That's why keeping your home protected is key. With the right prevention techniques, you'll walk around with peace of mind instead of wondering if you heard a clicking sound in your brain or not.

Three Ways To Prevent Termites

In order to protect your home from an infestation, there are a few things you can do around property that might help.

  • Control your moisture: Termites feed on moisture-softened wood, so this is a big one. Make sure your outdoor AC units aren't leaking water close to the wood foundation of your home. Also, try to use gutter systems and downspouts to keep rainwater directed away from the ground next to the home.
  • Limit contact between wood and soil: If there are wooden areas of your home that contact the ground, create a 12-18" buffer between the wood and the soil to limit attraction.
  • Wood storage: Avoid storing wood outside near the house or any structure that might be susceptible to termite damage. Keep the wood sealed and dry if possible.

While these methods can help reduce your chances of an infestation, that's all they do. No matter how much you reduce it, you'll always be at risk without professional help. In order to guarantee the safety of your home and finances, don't leave it to your own amateur methods. The most effective way to protect your home from termites is with professional assistance from the experts at Action Pest Control.