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How Dangerous Are The Ants In Indianapolis?

ant on a tree

Ants are some of the most common insects in the world, and many different varieties invade human properties. Being common doesn’t mean ants are entirely harmless, though, and it’s important to be able to identify and act quickly to solve an ant problem before it can lead to worse issues.

Ants: An Overview

Most ants you see are relatively harmless, meaning they are not known to spread diseases or cause significant property damage. Some, however, are far more dangerous. We call this first category, “nuisance ants,” and while they are less dangerous than the more serious species, no ants are a welcome sight on your property. They all can contaminate food sources or the areas where we eat our meals. Ants also attract other pests to your property, especially those that hunt insects for food, like spiders. This cycle of pests and problems is why it’s important to stay on top of pest prevention. Only trained ant control professionals should be trusted to accurately identify pests and come up with safe removal options.

Nuisance Ant Varieties

The more common types of ants are ones that don’t bite people or lead to serious health hazards. These nuisance ants are the ones you’re probably most familiar with, though they can be tough to tell apart. That’s why experts should be your first call when you notice an ant, but below are some of the common nuisance ants that you’re likely to see.

  • Pavement ants: These ants can be dark brown or black and are locally known as “red pavement ants” for the coloration found around their joints and body segments.
  • Sugar ants: Tiny and disciplined, sugar ants, or simply “little black ants” can detect sweet aromas from far away. They march in single file lines toward the source of these smells and crawl all over the surface to harvest the sugars.
  • Formica Indianensis: If there was a “Hoosier ant,” this would be it, as it’s only found in the Midwest and parts of Canada. These brown ants are known for infesting damp areas.

Dangerous Ant Varieties

Now for the more serious ant problems. These are the ones that not only invade homes and businesses but also pose larger health or property risks:

  • Carpenter ants: They may look a lot like other common ants varieties, but they are the only kind of invasive ant that bores into wood. Unlike termites, they don’t eat it, instead, they use wood to form tunnels. Either way, it results in extensive damage to homes and businesses. 
  • Fire ants: While they are more common in deserts, fire ants do crop up in Indiana. These small red ants have stingers that dish out painful pokes to people who disturb their territory.
  • Pharaoh ants: These tan or yellow ants are known for spreading harmful diseases like salmonella and streptococcus.

Turn To Action Pest For Total Ant Control

No matter what kind of ant is invading your property, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. These pests are incredibly tough to get rid of, and they can all lead to more serious problems if left untreated. For total protection from all kinds of local ants, turn to Action Pest Control for early prevention or timely removal. Our trained staff can get started right away on an inspection of your property, implementing solutions to match your land and your budget. It’s always better to get a trained pair of eyes than to try and diagnose or solve a pest problem on your own.

For ultimate ant pest control in Indianapolis, call Action Pest Control today.