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Holiday Baking Season Now Upon Us

an indian meal moth

Even if you aren’t much of a baker, there is something about the coming of the holiday season that inspires us all to be Betty Crocker. Warm cookies in the shapes of Santa and Christmas trees, pies, and other sweet treats are great gifts for our friends and neighbors. It is hard to find too much to be sad about when someone hands you a slice of pumpkin pie you know they baked with their own two hands. Here in Louisville, baking begins the moment the leaves begin to hit the ground and the apples are ripe.

There is a chance with such a warm spring and summer, that you didn’t spend that much time digging around in your pantry for the ingredients to make a cake. Baking on a hot Kentucky day is rarely anyone’s idea of a good time. If that is the case with you, you will want to pay extra attention to those items when you bring them out again. Pantry items that do not get replenished often such as grains, pasta, flour, cake mixes, chocolate chips and even seeds and pet foods can attract pantry pests. You could be in for quite a surprise if you pour some flour straight out of the bag and find little bugs scattered through it.

What are pantry pests? Pantry pests are the name given to a group of bugs that eat and reproduce in the items found in a typical pantry. Flours, rice, pasta, and dried fruits are typical for these pests. Several different species of weevils and beetles exist. The Indian meal moth is also a frequent culprit for contamination in your food stores. These bugs are all typically small and may be found at different stages of development if you have an infestation. The larvae stage of these pests can be particularly concerning for spreading the infestation as this is the stage where pantry pests can chew their way through the cartons your food came in infecting yet another box.

These insects are commonly introduced to your home from items you purchased and brought home. If you go through these items quickly, chances are you might not even know that they are there. It is always a good idea to inspect anything that you bring in. If you haven’t had a reason to cook in a while you want to take a closer look again to be safe. To help prevent the spread of any pantry pests that might be there, store all your dry goods in airtight plastic containers. In the long run, this is going to save you time and money.

If you find pantry pests in your home, there is a very good chance that you already have a full-blown infestation that will need to be addressed immediately to prevent further contamination. Call Action Pest Control to have them come inspect your home, find the source, and safely eliminate the pantry pests in your cupboards. They can also show you how to protect your home from further infestations. With one call to Action Pest Control you can be back in the holiday baking spirit before you know it.