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Bed Bugs Makes Unwelcome Holiday Travelers

a hotel room door

The holiday season is in full swing. You reserved your rental car, you booked your hotel room, and you’ve dug out the old family casserole recipes. It’s time to tackle the holidays, but don’t let your guard down. Bed bugs travel too, which adds to the stress.

Planning for the holidays is stressful. We have two full months of holiday tasks, travels, and headaches. At the end of it all, you want to bring home great memories not bed bugs. Action Pest Control can help you avoid the pesky travelers.

Where To Find Bed Bugs

The thing about bed bugs is that you can’t see them, so finding them is next to impossible if you aren’t on the lookout for them. Bed bugs prefer to hide out in tight, hidden spaces in mattresses, dressers, luggage, and room furnishings.

This means your family’s home and the hotel at which you stay are susceptible to hidden bed bug travelers. Think about it for a minute: if bed bugs travel undetected, and many people stay in the hotel room prior to you checking in, chances are you have already stayed in a place where bed bugs lived.

Areas where you find bed bugs are:

  • Homes
  • Hotels
  • Schools
  • Businesses and retail spaces
  • Public transportation and terminals

Identifying Bed Bugs And Bites

If you think you will see a bed bug hiding in your luggage or sneaking around in the mattress where you lay your head, you won’t. They are most active at night. Spotting a bed bug requires a careful eye. Bed bugs look like little apple seeds or chia seeds in your bedding. Here are the signs of bed bugs in your bed or furniture:

  • Small blood spots on linens
  • Fecal stains on linens and bedding
  • Blood stains on your pajamas

You Can Also Identify The Presence Of Bed Bugs On Your Own Skin:

  • Bite with a rash
  • Red areas on the skin
  • Burning and itching of the skin
  • Raised hives or welts on the skin

How To Avoid Bed Bugs

When you travel this holiday season, there are a few steps you can take to avoid bringing the clever hitchhikers home with you:

  • Vacuum mattresses, rugs, and curtains daily
  • Pull up the mattresses and bedding for an inspection. Pull back seams and lift flaps. Pay close attention to the tightest areas.
  • Inspect the bathroom and its corners carefully.
  • Get a flashlight and inspect the entire room, corners, dressers, frames, etc.
  • Do not leave your clothes or bags on the floor. Raise them. Put your luggage and clothes on top of shelves, on hangers, or on a stool in the room.
  • Wrap your luggage in plastic during your stay.
  • Contact housekeeping and management right away if you notice signs of bed bugs.

What To Do If You Bring Home Bed Bugs

Sometimes you can’t control or avoid a bed bug infestation. Don’t worry; there is help. You can take steps to get rid of the holiday bed bugs that now sleep in your bed. Inspect your luggage when you get home, wash your clothes immediately in hot water, and don’t wait to call Action Pest Control to get rid of bed bugs. This isn’t a task for DIY remedies and waiting. Action Pest Control has bed bug control that will quickly and effectively remove bed bugs from your home.