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Answering Questions About Pantry Pests In Indianapolis

a pantry pest in a home

Pantry pests are a subset of insects that primarily cause problems in and around kitchen pantries. Indian meal moths, also called pantry moths, are one of the most common pantry pests found in Indianapolis homes. In this article, we’ll discuss the common questions people have about pantry pests and how to get rid of pantry pests once they invade. If you’re interested in immediate assistance with your pest problems, reach out to the technicians here at Action Pest Control. We’re dedicated to offering top-quality pest control in Indianapolis and throughout the surrounding service areas. With the professionals from Action Pest Control by your side, you can rest assured that your home is protected from pests year-round.

Why Are There Pantry Moths In My Pantry?

You might wonder how pantry pests could have gotten into your home in the first place. If you’ve implemented general pest prevention methods, why are you finding Indian meal moths in your pantry? Most pests invade homes while searching for resources such as food and moisture. However, Indian meal moth infestations usually occur inadvertently. Indian meal moth larvae live and feed on stored food products you buy at the store. Once you purchase an infested dried food item and bring it into your home, a pantry pest infestation can occur. Unfortunately, eliminating a pantry pest infestation without professional help is nearly impossible. Get in touch with Action Pest Control today to schedule your free inspection!

Can Pantry Moths Eat Through Plastic?

Contrary to what many believe, the moths flying around in your pantry don’t eat any food. In fact, they don’t even have the mouthparts needed to consume the cereals and pasta within your kitchen pantry. The real problem Indian meal moths cause is laying eggs in your food items. When larvae hatch from their eggs, they burrow into food items while eating. Depending on where the eggs were laid, larvae may also chew through certain packaging, such as cardboard and plastic bags. Once the larvae burrow into food items, they become incredibly difficult to see. This is why you should always inspect grocery items for signs of damage before purchasing them. If you notice small holes chewed into a bag of flour or sugar, you should refrain from taking that particular item home with you. 

Where Do Pantry Moths Lay Their Eggs?

Pantry moths are frustrating pests to deal with. Not only are they difficult to prevent, but they’re also incredibly challenging to get rid of. Although adults of this species don’t eat, they still seek out food items to lay rows of eggs in. Some of the dried foods that Indian meal moth eggs might be found on include:

  • Bread
  • Dry pasta
  • Flour
  • Dried fruit
  • Pet food
  • Cereal
  • Sugar
  • Nuts & seeds

To avoid bringing pantry pest larvae into your Indianapolis home, it’s important to inspect each food item before purchasing. Or, contact Action Pest Control for more information about our effective Indian meal moth control services. We’re ready to provide excellent pest control solutions year-round. 

What Should I Do To Make Pantry Moths Go Away Permanently?

The best way to eliminate Indian meal moths and other common pantry pests is with professional pantry pest control from a trusted pest control provider like Action Pest Control. We have the skills and experience needed to deliver excellent treatments for a variety of common pests, including Indian meal moths. It’s our commitment to eliminate existing infestations from your property and prevent new ones from springing up in the future. Don’t allow pests to invade your pantry and contaminate your boxed food items. Instead, turn to Action Pest Control for high-quality pest control solutions.