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A Guide To Winter Pest Infestations In Evansville

a mouse in the snow

When the cold winter months arrive, seasonal pests go into hibernation or head for warmer weather. Others find indoor places to wait for spring. Unfortunately, this can cause problems for homeowners as some of these pests enter homes to keep warm.

 The pests that remain during the winter months can cause damage to your property and spread diseases in your home. The best pest control in Evansville can help you avoid these problems during the holidays. Keep reading to learn which pests to look for during winter and how they can impact you.

The Many Pests Common To Evansville Homes In Winter

The winter months in northern areas are too cold for most pests to survive outside. The ones that remain need warm places to wait out the cold weather. Some dig deep into the soil where it's warmer. Others attempt to enter homes for the necessary warmth.

Some of the most common pests that will try to make their way into your home during winter include:

  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Boxelder bugs
  • Cockroaches
  • Spiders
  • Stink bugs

You can often find these pests in dark areas where they won't be bothered as often, like attics and basements. Whether they build nests or spin webs, they'll use these areas to hide until it's warm enough to head back outside.

The Dangers And Damage Winter Pest Infestations Can Cause In Your Home

The pests that enter your home during winter can cause significant damage to your property or illnesses in your family. The most dangerous intruders to your house's structure are mice and rats. These rodents frequently gnaw to keep their teeth filed. As a result, they'll chew through drywall and electrical wires, causing damage and, potentially, electrical fires.

Cockroaches and spiders don't cause damage to your home's structure but can cause problems for your family. Cockroaches often make their way into homes by hiding in grocery bags or boxes. They carry pathogens on their bodies, allowing them to contaminate food and surfaces.

Certain types of spiders can also be dangerous. Black widow and brown recluse spiders can cause health problems through bites. Hiding in dark corners of your home, they'll bite if they feel threatened. 

Other invaders, such as stink bugs and boxelder bugs, are harmless to humans but can still be a nuisance when they overwinter in our homes.

Six Natural And Effective Pest Prevention Tips For Your Home In Winter

The best way to prevent pest problems in your home is to take steps to keep them from getting in. You can take several steps to decrease the chances that these pests will make their way into your home. Some home pest control tips include:

  1. Close any cracks or holes that could allow pests to enter your home.
  2. Keep firewood at least 20 feet from the edge of your home. Mice and ants can build nests in the wood piles to gain access.
  3. Keep storage areas clean as rodents hide in clutter.
  4. Avoid spills in your home. Standing water in kitchens and bathrooms can result in cockroach infestations.
  5. Replace the weather stripping in your basements and around windows.
  6. Keep your attic, basements, and crawl spaces dry and ventilated.

Even if you take these steps to prevent pests from entering your home, they still might find an entrance. Keep an eye out and call a local pest control company if you suffer an infestation.

The Stress-Free Way To Your Pest-Free Home In Evansville

A pest infestation will likely worsen if it's not dealt with quickly. Our home pest control professionals at Action Pest Control will inspect your home to discover all pests, get rid of the intruders, and take steps to keep them from returning. If pests invade your home this winter, call on our Evansville pest control team to help.