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Is It Normal To Have Flies In My Lexington Home In The Winter?

a fly infestation

Since bugs tend to be buzzing around and most noticeable during the summer, people assume they aren’t an issue during colder months. The reality is quite the opposite: many pests can be found year-round and some are most likely to invade indoors in search of shelter from winter weather. Flies, for instance, are a common sight for homeowners in the winter, and learning how you can prevent an infestation can save you from the larger dangers that go with fly populations.

Flies: Common Invasive Bugs

Even during warmer months, flies can invade a home looking for food, water, and safe spaces to lay their eggs. During the winter, they are specifically driven indoors to survive. Insects aren’t warm-blooded like we are, so they can’t stay active once the climate drops below warm. That’s why they look for any way they can find it, and many homeowners discover fly populations to be far more active indoors than they’ve ever seen before. Once a single mature fly makes it in, a full-blown infestation may just be around the corner as insects breed in the thousands. Once a population takes hold, much greater problems can be on the horizon than simply a buzzing nuisance.

The Danger Of Flies In Winter

Not only are flies gross to look at and annoying to have buzzing in your face, but they can also be dangerous to both your health and pocketbook. Here are just some of the problems known to come from fly infestations:

  • Contamination: Flies will not only land on food that’s left out, or the areas where we prepare it, they can also lay their eggs directly inside of stored food containers. These maggots hatch and then ruin the entire food supply.
  • Disease: Flies and maggots hang out in gross places, getting their sustenance from literal waste and decay. Flies are also known to carry dangerous diseases that can transmit directly to people and pets.
  • Proliferation: It only takes one fly getting in for a population to form, especially if they can quickly find a place to lay their eggs. Once new waves hatch and mature, the problem can be truly difficult to fully eliminate.

Fly Prevention For Your Home

With the dangers they can pose to your health and bank account, flies are pests you want to address before they’re a problem. Preventative measures can help you stay ahead of an infestation and make your home less attractive or accessible to flies looking for shelter from the cold. Here are some ways you can avoid them getting into your home:

  • Windows & doors: Flies can easily swoop inside through open windows and doors, making protective screens incredibly important. Check them regularly for holes or tears, too. 
  • Cracks & holes: Flies can squeeze through even small cracks or holes, so you should regularly check your exterior for any faults and make repairs.
  • Food storage: Since flies seek out food, it’s important to not leave it lying out. Keep food stored in secure areas and containers, and the same goes for trash bags and bins. Don’t forget that pet food is also food for pests.
  • Moisture control: Flies are specifically attracted to moist areas, so proper ventilation and pipe maintenance is a must. Pay special attention to kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas of a home where water accumulates.

Protection Against Common Pests

Since it doesn’t take much for a fly infestation to form, especially in the winter when they are more likely to be found indoors, the smartest way to defend against them is with help from the fly control experts. At Action Pest Control, our trained technicians can inspect and treat for fly infestations, removing them at the source or preventing them from getting in in the first place. Don’t let flies invade your home and spread their germs, call Action Pest today.