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The Secret To Keeping Blowflies Out Of Your Louisville Home

a blow fly in a home

Flying insects of all kinds can be a nuisance, but blowflies, in particular, are some of the grossest insects that you’re likely to come across. The maggots found on dead and rotten meat is the surest evidence of blowflies’ disgusting habits, and knowing how to keep them off your property isn’t just good for your sanity, it’s good for your health.

What Are Blowflies?

Blowflies are a common sight for humans, occupying nearly every corner of the globe thanks to the meatpacking industry and trade. While adult blowflies feed on nectar and pollen, females lay their eggs inside of dead animal carcasses. Once hatched, the maggots feed on the decaying meat and grow into flies themselves. The bloated or “fly blown” appearance of infested meat is where their name comes from, in fact. Blowflies can detect decaying flesh from miles away, so their appearance is a sure sign that something is decomposing nearby. 

Here’s how you can spot blowflies:

  • Size: Blowflies are slightly larger than the average housefly, with huge orbital eyes that can see in all directions.
  • Color: Blowflies are typically dark in color, however, their topsides often have a colorful sheen, particularly seen when they fly or rest indirect lighting. 
  • Variation: The category of blowfly includes hundreds of different varieties of fly, including “bottle flies” and other large invasive species. They are all capable of flight when fully matured and, like most insects, can reproduce in the thousands.

The Harms Of An Infestation

You probably don’t need to be told why it’s bad to have bugs around that touch rotten meat for a living, but, just to make sure we’ve covered all our bases, here are the potential problems that can accompany a blowfly infestation:

  • Disease: Obviously, germs and bacteria thrive in areas with rot and decay, so the meat that blowflies infest is one of the worst possible surfaces for a bug to land on before making it inside your home or business.
  • Proliferation: Blowfly maggots number in the tens of thousands and can mature in a matter of weeks, meaning that a small infestation can quickly turn into an uncontainable problem. 
  • Bites: Blowflies don’t often bite people, and when they do, the bites aren’t venomous or hazardous. But as populations grow out of control, blowflies can pose a constant source of irritation, especially for pets.

How Do You Get Blowflies?

Blowflies are so good at detecting decay that they are often the first animals to show up to places where carrion is festering, long before crows, vultures, or other scavengers arrive. As grotesque as this behavior is, it can actually prove helpful in criminal cases, as the presence of blowflies can help find stashed bodies or rotting matter. However, blowflies are found in far less criminal environments, and nearly every property owner has to worry about the things that can attract them:

  • Landscaping: Adult blowflies eat pollen and nectar found in many flowering plants, so gorgeous gardens and lawns don’t just attract bees; they can attract flies, too. Keeping grass, foliage and other vegetation kept to short levels will also provide fewer harborage points for flying bugs to rest on.
  • Moisture: Maggots get all the water and vitamins they need from the meat they devour, but adult flies must look for sources directly. Standing puddles, pools, and birdbaths are all attractants for thirsty pests.
  • Dead animals: It probably goes without saying at this point, but any dead animals, even other pests or wildlife that perish on or near your property, can attract blowflies.

Ultimate Fly Control From Action Pest

Whether blowflies are already a concern or if you’re simply worried about keeping up on proper prevention, it’s best to turn to the experts rather than try DIY pest control methods. At Action Pest Control, we specialize in property treatments that don’t just eliminate bugs, they make sure they don’t come back. To get started on an inspection today, or for more helpful tips and tricks on how to spot and prevent blowflies, contact Action Pest today.