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How Dangerous Are The Spiders In My Terre Haute Home?

a black widow spider up close

Contrary to what some may think, all spiders can bite humans. They all have fangs and venom, so their threat level is more a matter of whether they are likely to bite humans and how dangerous each individual spider’s bite truly is. The most common type of spider to invade the home is the house spider, and while they may not be as dangerous as some of the other varieties we’re taught to fear, they can still be problem pests to have around.

The House Spider: A Common Pest

Everyone has seen a house spider. While they aren’t prone to biting humans - choosing instead to stay out of sight - they can and will bite if they feel threatened. House spiders range in size and color depending on the environment and the time of year, but here are some of the easiest ways to identify a domestic spider:

  • Legs: All arachnids have eight legs, splayed out from their abdomens in a circular shape around their bodies.
  • Eyes: While you aren’t likely to want to get close enough to see this detail, house spiders have eight eyes that they use to spot prey and threats all around them.
  • Color: While they vary in size and color, most house spiders are yellowish to dark brown in color. Unlike insects, spiders don’t have antennae.

Spider Prevention Tips & Tricks

While house spiders are relatively harmless, their presence inside a home is usually the sign of a larger pest problem. Spiders eat insects, and they go where their prey is. So, once a spider has moved inside, it means that food sources are also nearby. This is especially true during times of the year when insects move indoors to escape the cold, but bugs and spiders can remain active year-round.
Not only do you need to know how to prevent spiders themselves, but you also have to worry about preventing other insects from invading:

  • Window maintenance: Bugs that can crawl all over any angle of surface aren’t just limited to traversing the ground. Insects and spiders can crawl in through cracks in window sills and holes in screens, so proper upkeep of these areas is a must.
  • Crack sealing: Regularly inspecting the exterior of your home for cracks or holes is important for keeping pests out. Seal up problem areas in foundations, wood, and paint, and pay special attention to places where plumbing or wiring run into the building.
  • Cleaning & food storage: Spiders don’t eat your leftover crumbs, but insects sure do, and the food chain will link itself to your home accordingly if you provide food sources for pests. Make sure countertops and floors are devoid of food traces, and keep items stored and disposed of in properly sealed containers.

True Spider Control Comes From The Experts

Because spiders are often the sign of a larger pest problem, seeing them inside the home means that professional home pest control is called for. Don’t waste time with DIY methods that might not fully eradicate the problem. Spiders and insects reproduce very quickly, so improper tactics will only eat up time and money.
Turn to the experts at Action Pest Control at the first signs of spiders or other bugs inside your home. We can provide assurances that every problem area has been addressed. And we can make sure pests stay out in the future. Don’t let spiders stalk around your home or business, call Action Pest today!