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Wasps And Your Home

wasp on a nest

Are you seeing wasps? It is definitely that time of year. But your friends at Action Pest Control, one of the largest pest control providers in Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois, has some information and tips that will help you and your family avoid those painful stings.

Common Misconception

When dealing with wasps in the spring, it is important to realize what dangers this specific pest poses to families. It is a common misconception that wasps lose their stinger after they sting, but that is not the case. It is the stinger on a bee that stays in your skin because it has tiny barbs that keep the stinger from pulling out. Wasp stingers do not have barbs. A wasp can happily sting you several times without injuring itself.

Are wasps aggressive?

Not generally. But in spring, those wasps are starting up a new nest. If they see you as a threat they will defend it aggressively. And, though this is not generally an aggressive insect, they will swarm and chase you for several yards. If you've ever heard anyone say, "I wouldn't spray that wasp nest with a 20 foot pole..." You'd be smart to listen to that advice.

How do I protect my home from wasps?

If you have working screens, you probably already know. This is the time of year you'll find wasps crawling on your screens, or dead in some nook or cranny around your windows. If they can find a way in through your windows, they will get in. It is vital that you keep all your screens in good working order. If you don't have the money to get those screens fixed, consider patching them yourself. 

The single best defense against wasps, hornets and yellowjackets, have a home pest control company perform an inspection and remove any developing nests. The fewer nests you have around your home--or in your home--the lower the chances you'll have of getting stung. Get protected today. Summer is a whole lot better without having to worry about wasps. Contact Action Pest Control today!