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The Problems Carpenter Bees Bring To Your Terre Haute Property

a carpenter bee on wood

Bees are some of the most complex and important creatures on the planet. Important because of their role as key pollinators, and complex because of their varied species and elaborate ecosystems. But for those with allergies, bees in Terra Haute can be dangerous pests to have around, and some bees can pose even larger dangers to your property than a painful sting. 

How To Spot A Carpenter Bee

Most people are familiar with honeybees and bumblebees, which are largely harmless outdoor pests. But many don’t know how to spot other varieties of bees and this ignorance can lead to costly damage if you aren’t careful. That’s because carpenter bees, which get their name from their wood-boring ways, look similar to other kinds of bees -- even though they cause a whole lot more damage. Here are some key features to look for when trying to tell bees apart:

  • Color: This is where many people get bee identification wrong because carpenter bees have the same black and yellow patterns that bumblebees have. Most people see that and then don’t pay it a second thought.
  • Hair: The key difference between carpenter bees and bumblebees is that carpenter bees aren’t uniformly furry. While their rears are yellow and hairy, they have shiny, black abdomens that lack the fuzzy features of other bees.
  • Wings: Another key difference is in wing shape and span. Bumblebees have larger wings to carry their larger bodies, whereas carpenter bees have slimmer wings designs for more precise flying to find wood drilling spots.

Signs Of Carpenter Bees On Your Property

The key difference between carpenter bees and all other common yard bees is, obviously, the way they make their nests. While other bees form hives in trees or other high places, formed out of the wax that they make themselves, carpenter bees instead drill into wood and create chambers for their eggs. Just like termites or carpenter ants, carpenter bees can lead to larger structural issues, both for trees out in your yard and any exterior walls that they might damage. It’s important to be on the lookout for key signs of wood-boring pests on your property, so you can address them before damage piles up:

  • Holes: Unlike termites, which tend to attack woods from below-ground and keep their damage hidden, carpenter bees drill straight in from the surface. This leads to small, porous holes like that of a sponge around exterior walls or the bark of trees.
  • Frass: This fine sawdust that’s leftover from bee borings can pile up around structures or plants. Seeing this means you need to call the pros right away.
  • Wings: Spotting discarded wings is more often a sign of termites or carpenter ants, a key distinction in how to address wood-boring pests. Carpenter bees keep their wings and continue to fly around and eat pollen as other bees do.

Bee Prevention For Your Yard

It’s not like anyone wants to get close enough to a bee to spot the subtle physical differences between bee varieties. And by the time you spot most of the signs of wood-boring pests, it means damage has likely already occurred. That’s why it’s important to take these preventative bee measures around your yard frequently:

  • Landscaping: Overgrown tree branches and bushes make for attractive nesting grounds for bees, and all flying pests use vegetation to land upon and rest. Keeping a manicured lawn will help with pest prevention of all kinds.
  • Water: While we all like water fountains and birdbaths, the ugly truth is that water features in your yard attract pests. Consider removing any around your property and make sure to address pools that buildup during spring rains.
  • Professional help: With stinging pests especially, it’s better to turn it over to experts who can address problems safely. Professional lawn treatments and routine inspections provide the best chance of preventing problems before they form.

Contact Action Pest Control Today

When it comes to bee identification and control, you don’t want to take unnecessary risks. Not only can bee stings expose sensitive people to dangerous stings, but with carpenter bees, even those without allergies don’t want to be surprised by costly problems. For safe and guaranteed home pest control for yard pests, turn to Action Pest Control. Our friendly staff can provide you with more tips and assistance on how to keep pest populations from forming. Let us get started on an inspection of your property today, determining whether yard pests are simple nuisances or something more sinister.

For proven pest control and protection from bees, contact Action Pest Control today.