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Protecting Lexington Pets From Dangerous Pests

a tick on a grey dog

There are very few joys in life as powerful as owning a pet, but you probably already know this. Even with all the trouble they cause, knocking breakable items off high places, destroying valuable possessions, and making noise at all hours of the night, there is still nothing you wouldn’t do to keep them safe. As summer comes into full swing here in Lexington, there is one threat to your pets you should be aware of. We are talking about fleas and ticks. To help you protect your pets against these dangerous pests, here is everything you need to know.

What Are Ticks?

If you have spent any time outdoors, you have likely dealt with ticks. These small parasitic pests love to climb under pant legs and latch themselves onto people for a blood meal. Ticks can also get onto your pets. Because ticks can neither fly nor jump, they have to get creative to get from the ground onto a host. In order to do this, they cling to tall grass and leaves and wait for an animal or human to pass by. Once a victim is within reach, they then reach their front legs out and grab hold. After they have had a good meal, ticks will hop off and find shelter until they get hungry again.

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are much like ticks in that they need a steady diet of blood to survive. What sets them apart is that they prefer to live on their hosts. Although fleas prefer hosts with fur, they can live off humans as well. To get onto their hosts, fleas jump using their powerful legs. Fleas can only survive on average 100 days without a blood meal compared to ticks which can go for 200 days without a bite to eat!

How Dangerous Are Fleas & Ticks?

Despite their small size, fleas and ticks are dangerous. They are able to carry and transmit a number of different diseases and parasites and they are dangerous to both pets and their owners.

Here are just a few of the diseases fleas and ticks have been known to spread.

  • Lyme Disease
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Flea Borne Murine Typhus
  • Rickettsia

With these diseases, chills, fever, headaches, and nausea are common. Other more serious symptoms such as expanding rashes, muscle fatigue, confusion, joint pain, and neurological problems are also issues with certain diseases mentioned above.

Flea & Tick Prevention Tips

As pests go, fleas and ticks can be fairly difficult to prevent. Mostly because they do most of their dirty work out on your property and get inside on the backs of your pets or somewhere on your body. But there are a few things you can regularly do around your yard to make it less attractive to these blood-sucking pests. Here is what our Lexington pest control experts recommend.

  • Trim your grass regularly.
  • Address moisture problems around your yard.
  • Reduce shade by trimming larger plants, trees, and greenery.
  • Remove clutter and organic debris such as leaf piles, clippings, and straw from your yard.
  • Invest in flea and tick protection for your pets. (Consult your local veterinarian if you are unsure what to use.)

The Best Way To Protect Your Yard Against Fleas & Ticks

If you would like to take your and your pet’s safety to the next level, we offer high-quality tick and flea prevention services here at Action Pest Control. Our team of dedicated pest professionals works long and hard to make sure properties all across Lexington have the best chance possible to remain flea and tick-free, year-round.

Give us a call today if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule your property to be treated for ticks and fleas.